Support the development of Stan Grof legacy in Czechia
Support the development of transpersonal psychology and the legacy of Stan Grof through the Holos Center in Czechia. Help us to care for people's mental health, to find a way out of crisis situations and mental illness. Your donations will support the therapies and enable the continued operation of the Center, which has been helping people live happier, more fulfilling lives for over 20 years.
We would like to offer you the opportunity to become a supporter of the Holos Centre and become actively involved in changing the approach to mental health care. Our centre is unique because of the wide range of transpersonal therapy services we offer, our expert team of therapists and our residential facilities. Together, let's make Holos a model workplace for a new way of mental health care in the Czech Republic and the world!
A new approach to mental health
We offer our clients what they can't find elsewhere - time, expert care, individual attention, a safe and supportive environment and work with holotropic states of consciousness. We provide accommodations and 24-hour care for spiritual emergencies and other more serious mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, addictions, and post-traumatic stress disorder. We also help integrate challenging psychedelic experiences. We have the powerful tool of Grof® breathwork, but in addition we also work with psychotherapy, sandplay therapy, symbol work, music therapy, art therapy and many other tools. All under one roof of the Holos Center.
Thanks to your regular financial contributions, we can operate independently and provide clients with as much time and space as they need for their recovery, while keeping our care affordable.
Holos is also about creating community, we organise cultural and social events to help people to live life to the full on multiple levels.
Thank you for being with us on this journey of mental health and growth in consciousness.
Holos Center team
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Psychedelickou renesanci tentokrát už nikdo nezastaví, myslím si, že je to nevyhnutelné pro další generace, aby dokázali propojit dobu technologií s moudrostí a láskou Matky Země. Vážím si Vaší neskutečné práce na poli sebe rozvoje, jsme v tom společně!❤️
Psychedelickou renesanci tentokrát už nikdo nezastaví, myslím si, že je to nevyhnutelné pro další generace, aby dokázali propojit dobu technologií s moudrostí a láskou Matky Země. Vážím si Vaší neskutečné práce na poli sebe rozvoje, jsme v tom společně!❤️
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