NePornu, z. s.

Giving Information

NePornu 2024

Our goal is to raise awareness of the dangers of pornography, which has negative influence on our health, our relationships, and our society, and to help (especially through e-coaching) those who are struggling with addictive behavior connected with watching pornography.

we started on 2023-10-02

Support NePornu 2024

raised 104 % out of  €33,858

supported by

393 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Project NePornu has been helping people addticted to porn and their partners since 2018.

You can check out our work at the website (in Czech).

How do we help?

Every year, we try to improve and expand our services for our clients. At this time, there are these types of help: 
  1. E-coaching, that is helping people through e-mail communication  
    → between 2018 and 2023, more than 2500 client contacted us for help 
    → at the end of 2023, we have over 40 volunteers 
  2. Support groups, local and online 
    → at the end of 2023, we have 8 active support groups, from which 3 take place online 
    → online groups are for men, women, and partners  
  3. Online forum for annonymous diaries 
    → at the end of 2023, we have over 250 active users  
  4. Discord, where users can support one another 
    → at the end of 2023, we have over 200 active users 
  5. Online courses 
    → between 2018 and 2023, more than 4500 people signed up for our online courses 
  6. Prevention programs at schools, from 4th grade till the end of high school
    → we started working on prevention programs during the school year 2022/23, whereas we have received very positive feedback from the pupils, teachers, and prevention experts 
    → just during the school year 2022/23, we went to 64 different classes, which is about 1100 pupils
  7. Education seminars for couples, parents, teachers, church leaders, etc. 

Plan for 2024

We want to continue in our efforts, and so we have set up these goals for 2024:

Budget for 2024

Total budget for 2024 is about 3,750,000 CZK (160,000 USD).

This covers salaries, education and supervision of our e-coaches, online promotion to raise awareness, and other expenses (e.g. renting the office, accounting, etc.).

Fundraising plan:
  • 1,000,000 CZK from regular donors (at this moment, people commited to donate about 700,000 CZK)
  • 1,000,000 CZK on one-time donors 
  • 1,500,000 CZK from larger donors (please contact us at 
  • 100,000 CZK from our budget for 2023 
If you want to read our annual report or wish to receive regular quarterly newsletters, please go to our website here (in English).

If you have any question, please feel free to contact us at info(at) 


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Za podporu v pocatcich snazeni. Jde to. I diky nepornu dnes na dni 542 bez porna.

CZK 10,000

Moc se mi líbí jak funguje, opravdu se mi život obrátil k lepšímu a chci aby pomohlo i jiným lidem, proto přispívám.


Díky Vám všem, kteří podporujete boj proti pornografii, problému 21. století, který bohužel mění lidské smýšlení k horšímu a kazí základní lidskou vlastnost a touhu a tou by měla být láska.

CZK 500

Díky za všechno bůh žehnej vaší práci v boji s velkým Jedem ve společnosti 21. století!

CZK 400

Každý si to někdy zažil a kdo ne, tak může být rád.


Boh vás žehnaj.

CZK 742

Ať se daří osvobodit co nejvíc lidí :-)

Eva Brázdilová
CZK 1,000

Děkuji, za to co děláte. Takhle podanou problematiku sledování pornografie, o které veřejně mluvíte je přesně to, co by mělo slyšet co nejvíc lidí.

CZK 500

Díky za sezení, které organizujete :)

Jan Kohoutek

Je velmi důležité né-li nutné, aby člověk znal svoji hranici morálních hodnot a věděl na koho straně chce stát a obecně měl vědomí toho, co chce podporovat za cílem zlepšení našeho místa ve kterém žijeme a to tím, že začně hezky pěkně U SEBE.

Jan Sumarta