Linhartova nadace

Culture, Art and History Human Rights

Patronage to support Tibet Open House

At Tibet Open House we welcome diverse religions, cultures, arts, and philosophies, and do our best to facilitate the sharing and learning of various beliefs and perspectives. We aim to do our best at making TOH self-sustainable based on a patronship programme, where we don’t rely on funds from governmental or commercial institutions, but instead gain the majority of our financial support through voluntary donations of community members, who resonate with the ethos of TOH and want to continue participating in it’s programme.

we started on 2023-09-01

supported by

22 people
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secured by
We hope that through small and reasonable monthly donations from a large number of community members we would achieve financial stability for operational costs. These include bills for utilities, rent, wages, restocking, and commissions for programme (eg. bringing teachers from abroad). All of this ultimately contributes to us catering to the wishes of people who come here. 

With immense gratitude and hope,
The Tibet Open House Team
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

jsem s vámi 💞🌈

Iveta Szkanderova
CZK 500

Krásné a láskyplné dny přeji ❤️🌞🌙🌍😎

Lukáš Rejzek
CZK 208

Přeji hodně štěstí a děkuji za to, co děláte.


Přeji hodně sil a mnoho spřízněných duší pro zachování TOH. Děkuji za Vaši snahu a útočiště pro studium tibetské kultury a buddhismu.

Marika Kružík
CZK 1,080

Hodně štěstí. Díky za to co děláte.

Tomáš Prokop
CZK 508