Nadační fond Czechitas

Education and Research Socially Disadvantaged Groups

Join us in supporting IT training for economically disadvantaged women.

We give a helping hand to women who want to retrain in IT and change or improve their unfavourable life situation through training but cannot afford to pay the course fees at subsidised prices or split into several instalments. In response to worsening economic conditions and changing job market, we are donating the study of the Digital Academy.

we started on 2023-06-20

Join us in supporting IT training for economically disadvantaged women.

We give a helping hand to women who want to retrain in IT and change or improve their unfavourable life situation through training but cannot afford to pay the course fees at subsidised prices or split into several instalments. In response to worsening economic conditions and changing job market, we are donating the study of the Digital Academy.
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In 2022, we established the Czechitas Endowment Fund to help make training accessible to an even wider group of women who are generally underrepresented in IT. In particular, we help women who find themselves in a difficult economic situation and want to change it but cannot afford to pay the course fees at subsidised prices or split into several instalments. We are responding to the worsening economic conditions (covid, inflation, economic stagnation/recession, increased mortgage interest rates, etc.) and the changing job market (companies are slowing down in hiring).

We will donate Digital Academy tuition to the women we support. This three-month intensive course helps women get into junior IT roles - Data, Testing, Web development and now, from autumn 2023, Cybersecurity.

Candidates for the Scholarship must describe and document their economically difficult situation in their application. There are several criteria for the assessment, which are evaluated by points, including a minimum score threshold.

One Digital Academy course fee costs 84,700 CZK. The more money we can raise, the more women we can help on the road to a successful IT career and a happier life.


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