Bez mámy, z.s.

Children, Youth and Family Development Aid

Water for 1500 children

Can you imagine a school with 1550 students and no water? That's the reality of Mshikamano High School. They've made many attempts to bring in water, but none of them are enough. A well is the only and surest solution, but making a deep borehole is not within the power of the school or the municipality. Mshikamano needs help! We all need water, and so do the children of Mshikamano!

we started on 2023-05-30

The well - hope for the whole school

Let's drill a well so that students have quality water for drinking, cooking and hygiene. Instead of fetching water from the river, there will be more time and energy to study.
raised 105 % out of  €7,955

supported by

84 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Mshikamano High School is situated on the Tanzanian savannah at about 1100 m above sea level, but it is not a mountain. The arid area is similar to the one where the Mahango orphanage is located. The school has 1550 students aged 13-17 and is partly boarding. Students are there all day, all year round except for two months of holidays. No running water!!!

What has the School committee already done to get water?
  1. They have tapped a pipe from the river that feeds a nearby village. But the pressure in the pipe is not sufficient and during the dry season, when the need is greatest, the water does not flow.
  2. They have bought a large water tank (10,000l) into which it draws rainwater from the roof of the school. This only solves the problem in the rainy season; in the dry season the school's water supply only lasts for a week (assuming 1l/person/day).
  3. They have started to look into digging a well. They found out the availability of groundwater in the area, prepared a budget.
Currently, students have to fetch all the water from the stream in buckets before classes, which is very arduous as the stream is far away. This work takes not only time but also energy to study.

A well seems to be the only hopeful solution to the water issue for the school. The problem is that in the area where the school is located it is necessary to drill very deeply for water (lava bedrock). However, the institutions located near the school have succeeded and found water, unfortunately only at a depth of between 60 and 100 m. This means huge costs for which neither the school nor the municipality has the funds.
Although the total cost of the well comes out to "only" 6 EUR per student, this is a huge amount of money for poor rural families. A month's work often does not earn a parent even 16 EUR.

To finance all the pipes for the water distribution system and also the construction of a tower for the water reservoir... about 840 EUR
It has also already purchased a large-capacity reservoir worth 1050 EUR.

  • Implementation of a deep borehole - 7600 EUR
  • Pump - 840 EUR 

Photo from Mshikamano School:

In the rainy season, everywhere is green and rainwater can be used. However, the rainy season is shorter than the dry season, when it doesn't even drip for about 7 months.

The school is partly a boarding school. Students living far away can take advantage of this. Accommodation conditions are very modest and there is no running water available.

Despite the rainy season, the nature of the arid savannah is undeniable. Forget the grass.

There's a test in class. All the backpacks have to go out so no one can cheat on the pull-up. In the foreground, under a stick structure, students are planting trees to create beneficial shade in front of the classroom.

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Vážíme si Vaší práce , děkujeme.

Agáta Mrozková
CZK 13,000

My také děkujeme, moc nás to těší a povzbuzuje!

Bez mámy, z.s.

Věřím v dobré skutky

Lenka Fechtnerova
CZK 1,300

Opravdu skvělé co děláte pro tyhle děti, držím palce ať se vám moc daří. Snad vám můj malý příspěvek trošku pomůže. Taky díky sympatické paní Růžičkové za propagaci vašeho projektu.

Marek Talas

Děkujeme, příspěvek je moc krásný a pomůže hodně. Vody je život!
Moc si vážíme vaší pomoci.

Bez mámy, z.s.

Aspoň troška, přeji hodně štěstí!

Adéla Ptáčková
CZK 200

Hodně štěstí

Blanka Cebulová
CZK 1,300

Pramen vody živé... <3

Marie Hodinářová
CZK 390

Heal the world

CZK 6,500