Bez mámy, z.s.

Children, Youth and Family Development Aid

Street Kids

They are called "Street Kids"; they have a place under the roof but can hardly be called home. They spend all day on the street; they don't go to school for various reasons, mainly because of money. Their mother or grandmother struggles every day to give them something to eat. Mostly unsuccessfully. They're hungry and lack motivation; from there, it's just a step toward drugs and crime. No one wants to solve their problems because they are so complex and convoluted, but we won't pretend we don't see them!

we started on 2023-02-23

Get the kid off the street!

They are hungry and lack motivation in life; from there, it's just a step toward drugs and crime. Nobody wants to solve their problems, but we will!

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1) Let's protect children from the street

It helps one child more to do this, another to do that, but it helps everyone if we support them to go to school! And preferably now!

We already know how to help when we reach the children's families. We can send a child to school, pay for uniforms (600-1500 CZK) and school costs (2000-6000 CZK), provide a hygiene pack (500 CZK) and other small support for the family (2000 CZK) during the year.

2) Let's get children off the streets

However, we have a lot of work to do with those children who have been on the streets for years. They won't give up their names, let alone their family relationships. We must first penetrate their childhood soul, deep under the "adult" worries.

We're planning a series of "Get the Kid Off the Street" events to get their attention.

The first will be a singing and dancing competition. The children will have the opportunity to have a bath and a haircut; they will be given a clean clothes so they don't feel so excluded, relax and forget their worries. By entering the competition, we will get the necessary data about the children, which we will process further, and thanks to it, we will better monitor the children.
Estimated cost 40 Eur/person for one event.

The younger Shadrak should already be in kindergarten; the older Amos stays home instead of school because he might collapse from hunger. If this continues, they'll be on the streets like their older brother Shukrani.

Victor has been on the streets for a year. He has both parents, but they lack resources. He would love to go to school.

Suleiman escaped the streets by the skin of his teeth because we quickly covered his school expenses, which his grandmother couldn't protect herself.

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Vendula Baštincová
CZK 1,500