As the age range of the children is large, the teacher is assisted by a local volunteer who is also completing her teacher training.
In order to have more children in the kindergarten, we need to buy more benches and chairs, but most importantly, we need to finish and make the well operational. We have already completed a 135m deep borehole and installed the pipes in the school. Still, we lack the funds to finish the internal casing of the borehole and buy a pump and an electric generator (the kindergarten does have two solar panels, but these are insufficient for a pump).

Thanks to your support, I am getting messages like this from our teacher:
"The semester was very wonderful and successful. Several new children have arrived, as I mentioned in my previous report. (21 children in total.) In addition, all the children are enjoying their time at GECO, and of course, the parents are very happy to have their children at GECO Preschool."
Unfortunately, because of the poverty that is often caused by the lack of education of the local people because they simply did not/do not have access to education, I get reports like this as well:
"But we also had a bad experience where two children did not attend school for almost three months. We contacted their mother and asked her to bring them back to school. Both children are from the same family. Three days after they went back to school, one of them was brutally beaten by their father. The child had swelling on his head, arms, and legs and couldn't even walk, so the mother had to take him to the hospital. But he's okay now... We're going to solve this case somehow."
This sad reality is a reflection of the serious social problems that arise as a result of poverty and ignorance.
Help the new generation to break out of this cycle of poverty and start building a better society with your contribution to education.

With sincere love from Alex, Oliver, Klara and Sergio
Ať se Vám daří.
Přejeme hodně radosti z vaší práce.
Ať se daří!
Sbírka od žáků a učitelů, snad poslouží pro dobrou věc :)