Holos, z.ú.


Support the building of a therapeutic pool at the Holos Centre

At the Center Holos, we are planning to build a unique pool, which is adapted for using the technique holotropic breathing in water. With all the necessary facilities and in the safe environment of the Center Holos, so that people here can work through the deepest roots of their psychological problems. You can get involved as well in creating an exemplary place for new kind of mental health care.

we started on 2022-12-12

supported by

30 people
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secured by Darujme.cz
The reasons why we sometimes struggle in life may not always be obvious at first sight. There may be traumas from various situations we have experienced in recent times or even in childhood. It may be emotions that we don't allow ourselves to express. It may even be birth trauma that was imprinted on us when we were born.

The trauma experienced during a birth with complications or by caesarean section (c-section) can be the cause of many mental illnesses in childhood and adulthood.

These mental health problems can be treated with the Grof® breathwork technique, which allows one to revisit the traumatic situation and relive it again with appropriate support. If the trauma is related to birth, an experience in a water environment is even more effective.

Holotropic breathing in water makes the experience of birth trauma more accessible and accelerates healing, in both children and adults.

At the Center Holos, we are planning to complete the entire center by the construction of a therapeutic pool, which will be adapted to perform the Holotropic breathing in water. With all the necessary facilities, a relaxing sauna area and in the safe environment of the Holos Centre, so that people here can work through the deepest roots of their psychological problems.

You can get involved as well, make a regular or one-off donation, share news of the project with your friends or volunteer. Thank you!

Link to our website with more information here

Visualization of the upcoming therapeutic pool for holotropic breathing in water.

Professional guarantors

Milan Hrabánek, M.D.
Milan Hrabánek is a doctor, psychiatrist and transpersonal psychotherapist with almost thirty years of experience in the field, researcher, university teacher. He is the founder and head of the therapeutic team of the Holos International Transpersonal Center, which helps people in crisis life situations, psychospiritual crisis and people with addiction.
He is a teacher in Stanislav Grof's new Grof® Legacy Training. 
Paul Grof, M.D., Ph.D.
Paul Grof, MD, is a Canadian research psychiatrist, clinician and administrator. Dr. Grof has been involved in transpersonal activities since 1962. As of 1990, he practiced and utilized Holotropic Breathwork with groups of meditators and psychiatric residents and with clients suffering from severe depressions and bipolar disorders. He published the relevant observations in the literature and a video.
Presently Paul Grof is a Professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto and Director of Ottawa Mood Disorders Center. He is actively involved in teaching the appropriate use of psychedelics for treatment and personal growth. He participates in the Website mdco.ca and has a YouTube channel. He has authored and co-authored 506 publications and three books. www.mdco.ca

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Pavel S.

Přeji hodně úspěchů a zářivá srdce na tom to světě.

Vít Lukáš
CZK 300

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Holos, z.ú.