Česká evangelikální aliance, z. s.

Children, Youth and Family Giving Information

Domestic Violence and the Church, a practical guide

Thea handbook for congregations, Domestic Violence and the Church aims to provide a tool for a practical and pastoral response when we as a church encounter victims and perpetrators of domestic violence. The cost of publishing this material is approximately 2, 140 EUR. In order to offer the manual, we want to create a simple website that, in addition to offering a downloadable manual, will include simple information about what domestic violence is, how to help friends at risk of domestic violence, and contacts for possible help for victims. We would still like to raise 870 EUR for this website promotion linked to offering the manuals.

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If someone in your church confided in you that they were a victim of domestic violence, would you know what to do?

It is hard to admit that domestic violence can happen in our church communities, but it is vital that we do not turn a blind eye to what is happening to some people in our congregations. How we respond to these cases will shape the culture of our congregations and have a huge impact on those who have experienced domestic violence in our communities and congregations. 
In 2023, the Czech Evangelical Alliance plans to publish a handbook for congregations, Domestic Violence and the Church, which aims to provide a tool for responding practically and pastorally when we as a church encounter victims and perpetrators of domestic violence. Men and women in our congregations may suffer because of the shame and stigma that surrounds abuse or, paradoxically, because marriage is so sacrosanct to the church. Sometimes domestic violence is theologically justified, we fail to confront it effectively or too easily believe the apparent repentance of the abuser. 

I wish people - my family and people in the church - would have listened to me more. The church needs to understand more so it can better support. To listen and understand more.

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příspěvek Kostnické jednoty Kolín

Josef Ptáček
CZK 500

Děkuji velice za tento projekt. Domácí násilí se, žel, i v církevních společenstvích odehrává a nevíme, jak tyto bolestivé situace řešit. Velké díky a přejeme Boží zmocnění v tomto díle.

Anna Vlčková