Azyl Štětinka, z. s.

Regional and Community Development Animals

The farm sanctuary is looking for its own land

The association Azyl Štětinka was created to create a space for rescued pigs from unsuitable conditions. We want to give these creatures a safe home for the rest of their lives. To give the public a glimpse into the lives of animals in an asylum farm where these creatures are treated as friends. In order for the association to become an asylum farm, we need to purchase a suitable piece of land. Donate us to buy meadow to build shelters for pigs. ♥

Support the new pigs farm sanctuary

Donate us to buy meadow to build shelters for pigs.
raised 66 % out of  €7,551

expires in

114 days

supported by

61 people
Donate in :
secured by

There is only one step left. Can you help us complete the fundraiser to buy our own pastures for the pigs? :-)

The association Azyl Štětinka was founded in 2022 to help piglets in need. Rescued, adopted or unwanted - these beautiful and intelligent animals deserve a loving home for the rest of their lives. We want to give it to them with your help.

In order to create a magical place, to provide care for animals, we first need to purchase a suitable plot of land. Will you help us on our way to the dream meadow?

We have many ideas in our heads that we want to implement, but first we have a money collection in the meadow for the pigs.

Why do we want to create a home for piggies?
Piglets deserve our love, understanding and protection. We want to share joys and sorrows together. To provide them with full-value care that they were not afforded. These will be adopted mini-pigs or animals that have been saved.

The public will be able to see for themselves that these special and warm-hearted creatures are our friends, that only society has stamped them with the label of so-called farm animals.

How much space do we need?
In the beginning, we will need a meadow with an area of ​​1 hectare. Over time, we can buy more land and thus increase the capacity of the area.

When will the land be purchased?
The purchase of our own plot of land for chunics will take place when we have collected enough funds to cover the financial costs associated with the purchase of the meadow. Trust me, we would save animals and build an sanctuary farm right now, but everything has its time. Everything will depend on the amount that will be in the transparent account of Azyl Štětinka.

What awaits you at the farm?
We want to draw you into the happenings in Azyl Štětinka, so you can look forward to visiting days where you can get to know all the asylum pigs. See how the background works. We will offer you a pleasant place to relax, where something good for to eat will also be served. There are also interesting educational workshops waiting for you - for young and old. Brigades, without which no animal s anctuary can do. But also other activities to ensure the operation of the sanctuary farm.

Everyone can be a crew in Azyl Štětinka
Do you like the idea of ​​creating an sanctuary farm for pigs? You can support us by donating to our transparent account. We thank all the kind donors for their financial contribution, whatever the amount of the donation. Every amount helps! :-)

What will we use the funds for?
As already mentioned, we need to buy a meadow that will be spacious enough to build insulated houses, outdoor enclosures.

Our inspiration
For us, vegan sanctuary farms.

Visit our websites:

Thank you for your kindness to the piggies ♥
Veronika Vašková and Antonín Müller
Founders of a non-profit organization.

Europe, Czech Republic, Frýdek-Místek.

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Nech su vsetky prasiatka stastne!

Alexandra Michaličová
CZK 10,000

Srdečně děkujeme za dar pro prasátka na jejich vysněnou louku. ♥

Azyl Štětinka, z. s.

Mockrát Vám děkuji. Prasátka si to zaslouží 🐷❤️

Marek Kotrla
CZK 500

Dobrý den, Marku, srdečně děkujeme za Váš dar pro čuníky. ♥

Azyl Štětinka, z. s.


CZK 200

Děkujeme za podporu čuníků. ♥

Azyl Štětinka, z. s.


Nikola Zapletalová

Děkujeme za dar pro čuníky. ♥

Azyl Štětinka, z. s.


Tereza Pešková
CZK 500

Terezko, děkujeme za dar pro prasátka.

Azyl Štětinka, z. s.

Držím palce ❤️

Gabriela Kubíková
CZK 1,000

Děkujeme za Vaší podporu ♥

Azyl Štětinka, z. s.

Děkuji za to co děláte :)


Děkujeme za Váš dar pro prasáka ♥

Azyl Štětinka, z. s.

Ať se vám daří❤️🐷🍀

Martina Hálová
CZK 50,000

Zdravíme Marťu, mecenášku prasátek ♥ srdečně děkujeme za dar na louku pro rypáčky. Mějte se krásně. Zdravíme ze Štětinky.

Azyl Štětinka, z. s.

Máte vizi krásného projektu, přeji Vám hodně štěstí a šťastná prasátka!

Lucie Filipčíková
CZK 800

Zdravíme Lucko, děkujeme vám za dar na louku pro čuníky. Jsme moc rádi, že nám držíte palce. Mějte se moc hezky. ♥

Azyl Štětinka, z. s.

Ať si spokojeně chrochtají!

Kateřina Postlová
CZK 200

Děkujeme za Vás dar na louku pro prasátka. Mějte se krásně. ♥

Azyl Štětinka, z. s.