Christian Refugee Service, z.s.

Humanitarian Aid Human Rights

200x500!- CRS in 2024

CRS aims to find 200 donors, whou would be able to provide at least 500 CZK monthly, to cover its expenses on the NGO´s basic operation and serveces in 2023 and 2024. Would you be one of them?

we started on 2023-04-19

I am one of 200!

Right now, you have great oportunity to be one of the 200 people, who helps CRS to provide much need help to people on the route in 2023 and 2024!
raised 1 % out of  €47,291

expires in

5 days

supported by

1 person
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secured by
Right now you can provide CRS for helping those in need! Will you be one of the 200?

We are trying to cover our expenses in 2023 and 2024!

Our projects are too wide to cover them voluntarily. We are not able to work fultime and manage all activities of CRS in our free time!

What do you support?
Mainly CRS daily run and legal and other services which are not conntected with material help. Such as accompanion, spiritual help, meetings and education.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign