Nadační fond Eduzměna

Education and Research Children, Youth and Family

Happiness of school children: Let´s get inspired in the Netherlands

Did you know that 34% of children in the Czech Republic don’t like going to school, which is the highest percentage in the EU? Due to significant differences between schools, inequality in Czech society is widening. 30 % percent of Czech schools are deemed to be below the OECD average in terms of quality. Schools are not preparing children for their future, and children are not developing their full potential. These are the reasons why Eduzměna was founded with the goal of achieving systemic change in the Czech education system. We believe it has to start with a CHANGE OF CLIMATE IN SCHOOLS, so children can learn fully – with joy and with equal opportunities. This will ensure that they leave school ready for life in the future.

we started on 2022-09-08

Happiness of school children: Let´s get inspired in the Netherlands


supported by

3 people
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And, when it comes to children’s happiness, did you know that the Netherlands is at the opposite end of the scale?

The Dutch have a reputation for valuing diversity and being inclusive. They rank first in the world when it comes to children's happiness at schools and their well-being!

That’s why 40 educational leaders - school directors, head teachers, school founders, and local community leaders will be visiting up to 15 Dutch schools in the winter of 2022-23 to find inspiration in their approach and expertise.

Support cooperation between schools in the Czech Republic and the Netherlands as well as the transfer of expertise by donating to the Darujme project. Thank you!

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