We're full, help us be able to take in more pets please
People are constantly getting rid of their dogs at rapid speed and the number of adoptions is low in comparison. We need to get more kennels, mainly for big dogs. Please, help us have more space so that doggies looking for a full bowl and a roof over their head could be taken in.
We want to expand our shelter in Lanškroun by getting outdoor dog kennel enclosures. These will be used for doggies in need. The number of our current dog kennels is not enough anymore. The biggest problem is with dogs who are big, have behavioral problems, bite, are extremely frightful or destroy things at home because they can't stand being alone. Especially for them, we want to build kennels with enclosures, because they will likely stay at us for several years. :(
We want to buy the dog kennels from the company Texas Connection, we have good experience with them: https://www.kotcepropsy.com/
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Lenka Soukupová
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