Helping senior citizens „from the invisible world“ right in Ukraine“
Since the beginning of the Russian invasion three and half million people – prevailingly women and children – left Ukraine. Mostly it is not their preference and often times they cannot leave their homes at all. So they stay on. They are starving, they do not have enough water, electricity, and even medicines they need. They are lonely and the war only keeps them company. Therefore we are launching a project to help the most vulnerable old people in Ukraine.
We cannot stop the war. However we can support old people who got stuck up inside the war – people who are defenceless and helpless. All your gifts will be sent to the organisation Turbota pro litnikh Ukraini. We are in contact with its directress Galina Poljakova.
Galina, the leader of the charity, is 65. The volunteers are roughly of the same age. They help people who are even older and ill by distributing meals, medicines and by contacting their families. And they need your help just now.
“A lot of humanitarian aid from our government and from international funds is sent to Kharkiv, Mariupol and other cities. Apart from them there is also so the called “invisible world”: nursing homes for old people. They are often placed in villages and nobody knows about them. Today they find themselves in a very difficult situation. They are cut off by Russian troops. They do not have access to food and medicine supply. The clients are starving and suffer from a lack of medicines. I receive many letters from their managers who ask for help. We have supported some twenty institutions by now but currently our resources are exhausted. Can you help?”
It is just you and your donations that can change the fates of these fragile old people who have stuck up in the invisible world – right in Ukraine. Please help! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
„During its 24-year-old existence Sue Ryder has changed for better hundreds fates of old people and their families. I did not suspect that our aid will cross the borders of this country. However, that situation has come right now and it is highly symbolic for us. Lady Sue Ryder, the founder of this organisation and our financial supporter till 2006, started her help to alleviate the suffering of people who were hard afflicted by the Second World War. She used to say that if one faces human suffering and a loss of human dignity we cannot stand by. With these donations, whose every crown will go to Ukraine, we can help. And thus continue the mission of Lady Sue Ryder.” Matej Lejsal, Director
The HelpAge International volunteers in their survey that included more than 1500 people over 60 in Ukraine found that:
99% old people do not want to be evacuated from their homes
91% need help in securing food as they have mobility problems and live alone
79% lack access to clean and drinking water due to shelling and bombardment
34% urgently need medicines for chronic diseases, such as diabetes, high pressure and pain
91% suffer from power failure and do not have working heating
75% old people need sanitary goods – tooth pastes, soap, napkins and toilet paper
¼ of Ukraine inhabitants are over 60. According to the United Nations many of them, even before the Russian invasion, were poor.
Sue Ryder is a public benefit, Not For Profit organisation. We have been helping the most fragile, old people since 1998.
The partner of this campaign is the digital agency Digital Ant. PS: The Portal uses 2% of each gift to cover operational costs, bank charges, call services, IT support and book keeping services.
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Bolí mně srdce. Každá válka je neštěstí. Ti starouškové si to nezaslouží.
Vlasta Hudáková
CZK 300
Myslím na vás a přeji vše dobré.
Jana Tröschelová
CZK 300
Hodně štěstí
Michal Štingl
CZK 300
At je brzy po valce
CZK 1,000
Smysluplná iniciativa, díky za ni!
Martina Kafková
CZK 2,000
To není válka tam někde daleko, která se nás netýká...té trpělivosti a pomoci bude potřeba ještě spousta a to jak tady tak tam
Jakub Šlemr
CZK 5,000
💙💛 #StopPutin
Jan Pražák
Nezapomínejme, že o naše rodiče/prarodiče ve vysokém věku je potřeba se taky postarat.
Miroslav Štugel
CZK 1,000
Už to musí skončit
Jitka Viktorýnová
CZK 1,000
Držím moc palce, aby se pomoc dostala ke starouškům co nejrychleji.
Bolí mně srdce. Každá válka je neštěstí. Ti starouškové si to nezaslouží.
Myslím na vás a přeji vše dobré.
Hodně štěstí
At je brzy po valce
Smysluplná iniciativa, díky za ni!
To není válka tam někde daleko, která se nás netýká...té trpělivosti a pomoci bude potřeba ještě spousta a to jak tady tak tam
💙💛 #StopPutin
Nezapomínejme, že o naše rodiče/prarodiče ve vysokém věku je potřeba se taky postarat.
Už to musí skončit
Držím moc palce, aby se pomoc dostala ke starouškům co nejrychleji.