Šťastná Srdíčka z.s.

Help for Ukraine Animals

Dogs with special needs not only from Ukraine

Our mission is to provide the best possible life for dogs with special needs. Those, to whom conventional treatments wont work and therefore would hardly find home. Currently we are building self-financed dog house so we can provide help to more dogs. We're getting ready for dogs with neurological problems from Ukraine at the moment.

we started on 2022-03-16

It will be hard without you...

Every contribution will help me carry on with them and for them.

supported by

58 people
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secured by Darujme.cz
Since 1999 I provide physiotherapy for people (there’s a list of sportsman who did not have to quit their sportscareers) and animals, mostly dogs (cerebral hypoplasia, vertebral syndromes…)

For past 5 years I run self-financed dog shelter for those with special needs (you can read their stories here: www.stastnasrdicka.cz)
Just food, supplements and medication costs 3,5 usd/day/dog. Therefore my 10 dogs go for over 1000 usd monthly not counting leashes, exercising tools, surgeries, toys, travel expenses and so on…

Until now I paid everything by myself being self-employed as physiotherapist and by occasional donations both material and financial.

After being attacked by an unknown dog one of my arms is still partially paralyzed despite undergoing 7 surgeries so far. Therefore I cant be here fully for my foster dogs moreover I cant perform my job so I can’t hardly feed and take care of my dogs.

When I have sold all of my sports gear and equipment from my past but world-wide sports career I’m dependent on contributions from donors with great hearts. 

I am grateful for every single donor. Thank you. Martina ❤
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Gabča a Lubor Koudelkovi pro všechny potřebné pejsky. Moc děkujeme za velmi prospěšnou práci!!

Lubor Koudelka
CZK 3,000

Labrador Malina pozdravuje :)

Radka Kozlová
CZK 500

Přeji Vám i Pejskům klidné svátky 😊

David Gregora

Část výtěžku z koncertu Rotten Fest.

Marek Frélich
CZK 5,500

Od francouzskeho buldocka Butche

Jan Kotrč
CZK 300

Diky za to, co delate:)

Aleks a Aňas

Dobrý den,sama mám doma nemocnou 11 letou fenu rhodéského ridgebacka,její léčba mě stojí každý měsíc 5000,tak snad Vám i tato malá částka pomůže.

Marie Vobrová
CZK 300

Dáreček pejskům

CZK 300

Pro úžasná čtyřnohá stvoření.

Ing.František Houdek
CZK 5,000

Ať se Vám i pejskům daří! Váš věrný zákazník David:)

CZK 1,500