Cirk La Putyka, o.p.s.

Culture, Art and History Help for Ukraine

Support the Kiev Circus School in Prague

In response to the ongoing war in Ukraine, we decided to help students of the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Performing and Circus Arts. More than 30 students, educators and their families are with us or on their way to us right now. We provide them with a roof over their heads, meals and administrative assistance, and above all we provide them with space for realization in what is close to their hearts - in circus art. Students have already joined Cirk La Putyka, rehearsing with Rosťa Novák and our Young Blood crew. They have lessons in motion theatre, acrobatics, dance, but also in Czech and English. We provide them with workshops with experts from the Czech Republic and abroad. We will be very happy for your help to manage to fund these activities for as long as necessary. Thank you for your support.

we started on 2022-03-07

supported by

115 people
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On February 24, we all woke up to war. After the initial shock, watching and absorbing the new reality, we began to think about how we can help the Ukrainians. We decided to get involved in what we do best - circus arts. We teamed up with the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Performing and Circus Arts and its Vice-Rector Nina Araya Berrios. She sent a call to students and their families, and began organized help to all who showed interest.
In addition to us, other circus schools, ensembles and festivals also help. We now have fifteen students at Jatka78 and another fifteen people, including Nina, are on their way to us. Students have already joined Cirk La Putyka, train under the guidance of Rosťa Novák in the company of our Young Blood crew, learn moving theatre, dance, acrobatics, but also Czech or English. We organize workshops for them with Czech and foreign lecturers, we spend time with them and allow them to do what is closest to their hearts and what perhaps gives them at least a slight hope of detachment from reality. In addition, we provide them with a roof over their heads, meals and administrative assistance, and we make sure that they are doing well as far as possible.
We will be happy if you decide to contribute to their support. Your contribution will be used to meet the needs of their daily and studying lives and to work in depth with their talent. We don't know how long they'll be here with us. However, if more funds are collected than they will need here, we will later donate them to the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Performing and Circus Arts for the resumption of their operations.

Thanks for your support!
Cirk La Putyka & Jatka78
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

děkuji za to, co děláte

Blanka Nováková
CZK 5,000


Jitka Crnčevićová
CZK 300

Dobrý den, přeji Vám všem hodně životního štěstí v této nelehké době. S pozdravem Ivo Prudký Brno

Ivo Prudký
CZK 2,000

Díky za to, co děláte!

Adéla Pfortnerová

Thank you for your great job, always, la Putyka

Pascal Felmy

Nevim, co sem napsat, aby to nebylo patetický anebo třeba nějak na prázdno vyslovený zbožný přání.. nebo ještě hůř nějaký heslo..
Ale celej život mě pronásleduje památná věta z České sody: "Sranda musí bejt, i kdyby fotra věšeli.."
A i to smutno může být, jen když je veselo..

Šimon Kočí
CZK 10,000

Bez kultury není národ. Díky za to, co děláte.

CZK 2,000


Šárka Zlámalová
CZK 500

Бажаю вам нових знайомств і вражень у нашій країні та в цирковому мистецтві. І я також бажаю тобі якнайшвидшого повернення до своєї країни. Ми завжди в думках з вами та вашими близькими.
PS:Všem v Cirku - jste báječní!

Zuzana Sopuchová Šimíková

Good luck!

Jiří Sedlák