Veterináři bez hranic ČR, o.p.s.

Help for Ukraine Animals

Seeking refuge together

The war in Ukraine brings suffering to humans and animals. Many people take their dogs and cats with them when escaping the war. Our organization will help citizens of Ukraine coming to the Czech Republic with their four-legged companions to cover the costs of veterinary care, pet food, and basic pet supplies.

we started on 2022-03-02

supported by

211 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
The war in Ukraine brings suffering not only to humans but also to animals. Unfortunately, in an effort to save their lives, many people are forced to leave their dogs and cats behind, but many others flee together with their four-legged friends. Although the State Veterinary Administration has eased the conditions for the entry of pets from Ukraine into the Czech Republic, the animals must still visit a veterinarian upon arrival and vaccinations and microchipping must be carried out.
Vétérinaires sans Frontières Czechia have therefore decided to offer help to these citizens of Ukraine who come to the Czech Republic with the need to provide proper care for their pets. 
All of the funds raised will be used not only for microchipping, vaccination, and other veterinary care, but also for dog and cat food and the necessary pet supplies for these animals, in order to make it as easy as possible for people seeking asylum in our country. This is just one way we can fulfill our motto Healthy Animals - Healthy People.
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Japanese chin Fania needed eye surgery which was successfully performed at a veterinary clinic in Prague.

Labrador retriever Terra showed up at the Training veterinary clinic at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague because her health condition suddenly worsened between the first and second obligatory clinical examination after arriving to the Czech Republic Her owners did not hesitate and contacted the veterinarian immediately! The exact cause of her problems has not yet been discovered but we'll do everything we can to find it out and help Terra. 

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Podpora hrdinné Ukrajině v obraně před agresorem, a trpícím zvířatům též. Sláva Ukrajině a demokratickému světu!

Lucie Tihounová
CZK 100

Support from Vets Beyond Borders - Australia

Phoebe Fear

Support from Vets Beyond Borders - Australia

Phoebe Fear

Hi VSF-Czech - this donation is part of a larger sum VSF- Australia would like to send to you on behalf of our donors.
Please advise that you have received this amount (E2000) and we can transfer additional amounts over the coming days.
Best Regards
Vets Beyond Borders - Australia

Sally Colgan

Dar od studentů VETUNI :)

Marie Špachmanová
CZK 3,142

Donating $600 on the behalf of Ramona Lauda.

Maria Zemankova

Hello, Our Vet Practice makes regular donations to different charities, including an orphanage in Burma, Covid related therapies in Pakistan, and this month to Vets Beyond Borders. We pray that this will be beneficial to alleviate suffering of some of the animals affected by the war and disruption occurring in Ukraine.

Dr David Boersma

Děkuji, že pomáháte

CZK 500

Držím palce a přeji hodně štěstí!

CZK 500

Děkuji, že pomáháte. Hodně sil a Božího požehnání.

CZK 1,000