We prepared a special offer for you - a gift that will make a HERO out of you or your close ones. A hero of animals in Handipet Rescue.
How does it work?
Support animals by a contribution in the amount of 20 EUR and we will send you a Christmas hero card as a thank you. Five animals are looking for their heroes and it's up to you which one you will support. Will it be Viki, Rarity, Stephen, Dolly or Bailey?
But you don't have to worry that one animal will have more than others. The money obtained will be used for all animals according to current needs. No doggie or kitty will miss out on this. But if you would still prefer a more general certificate or want to support animals by a different amount than 20 EUR, have a look at our gift certificates to help animals in need - for cats and for dogs.
The Christmas hero card will be sent to your e-mail box in .JPG and .PDF format. To make this gift more personal, we left a space for a dedication on the certificate.
You can order the Christmas hero card until 21st December 2021 at the latest.
But you don't have to worry that one animal will have more than others. The money obtained will be used for all animals according to current needs. No doggie or kitty will miss out on this. But if you would still prefer a more general certificate or want to support animals by a different amount than 20 EUR, have a look at our gift certificates to help animals in need - for cats and for dogs.
The Christmas hero card will be sent to your e-mail box in .JPG and .PDF format. To make this gift more personal, we left a space for a dedication on the certificate.
You can order the Christmas hero card until 21st December 2021 at the latest.
How can you order the Christmas hero card?
- Choose an animal and send a contribution in the set amount of 20 EUR, you can send it until 21st December 2021
- Write an e-mail to sona@petheroes.cz with the information which Christmas hero card do you want (in other words, for which animal you want to be a hero)
- As soon as money gets to us, we will send the card to your e-mail box in .JPG and .PDF. format within two working days.
- You can have a good feeling because you've just become a hero for animals in need! 🥰 Now, you can put the card on display at your home or give it as a gift to one of your close ones. 💕
Animals looking for their heroes

Who are we?
Handipet Rescue is a refuge for dogs and cats who are in need of help. We're giving a chance to anyone, even in those cases where others would just give up a long time ago. We believe that every life has a meaning and every animal deserves a chance. Even if it's hard, we keep on fighting as much as we can as long as there's any hope left. 💪
The animals in our care live in foster cares where they have the opportunity to get to know what living in a loving family looks like. Some of them already know this, others are learning it for the first time.
We're not state-subsidized at all, meaning we can operate only because of good people like you. We can care about the animals kindly, give them good food and quality veterinary care, but we would never be able to pay for all of it if it wasn't for you. Thank you for helping with us! ❤️
The animals in our care live in foster cares where they have the opportunity to get to know what living in a loving family looks like. Some of them already know this, others are learning it for the first time.
We're not state-subsidized at all, meaning we can operate only because of good people like you. We can care about the animals kindly, give them good food and quality veterinary care, but we would never be able to pay for all of it if it wasn't for you. Thank you for helping with us! ❤️
Vám všem, co se staráte o opuštěné pejsky patří velké poděkování. Všem pejskům zdraví, lásku nás všech.
Jste úžasní! Děkuji za to, že jste a za to, co pro zvířátka děláte! To vy jste hrdinové!
Jsem neskutečně šťastná za to, co děláte ! Jen tak dál, snažím se pravidelně podporovat, protože zvířátka si o pomoc říct nedokážou ❤️