Christian Refugee Service, z.s.

Human Rights Socially Disadvantaged Groups

CRS - fair trial and integration compass

Right to a fair trial is not a matter of course! Fighting for this right is practically impossible for those, whose speak different language, do not know legislation and legal culture. That is the reason why we founded CRS. NGO helping people on the route (mostly asylum seekers), with legal and social aid and integration. We are Christians helping people in need on non-discrimination principle. We educate the general public and connect those willing to help! Join us in our mission!

we started on 2021-10-10

CRS - fair trial and integration compass

Join us!
raised 9 % out of  €39,409

supported by

13 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Be the compass! Join us in 2022 and 2023 and help people in need!

It was a year 2016 and we had been seeing various needs of people trying to start a new life in Europe. On a Balkan Route our missionary-humanitarian activities have been developing, in Czech Republic our legal services had first clients. On the cases of Chinese Christians and other clients showed us, how much you have to fight for fair trial!
(No, you truly cannot have a five- or six-year pending case on international protection! No, two men cannot hold interview with female asylum seeker…)
Both activities have been growing together, jointly with other necessary services – such as social aid, integration activities or education for public. We managed to go to tens of missionary trips, we handed over three thousand (Luke´s) Gospel books over to people on the route, we distributed a few tuns of material help and spent thousands hours by defence of human rights of asylum seekers in Czech Republic! 

Well, this is the reason for CRS existence! Christian NGO, help people on non-discrimination principle, helping by legal, social and humanitarian aid, supporting professionals, churches and individuals helping people in need, educating public and sharing God´s Love (Mt 28:19-20).
Right now, we need your help!
All of our activities are held during our free time, and it is not possible to handle much longer! We are willing to be able to provide our services, at least on essential level, and that is why we need financial help for legal services, social aid, other activities and administration of CRS. 
Our minimal budget for a year is 1.000.000 CZK, (humanitarian aid has its own Project). We believe, that every single crown may be a huge difference for those in need!
Would you like to join compass and provide people on the route with legal help, help with integration, place for the living, employment, …?

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Tragické snahy o nový život - opět, tentokrát u italského pobřeží...
Anebo co je nového na poli migrace a uprchlictví!

Happy new year 2023! Wish you the best and thank you, for all of the support in 2022!

Only the best in 2023! See our year 2022!

Radio 7 interviews:
- Quo Vadis!
- HLáska

Aktuality o migraci v České republice čtěte na našem webu!

Právní pomoc u nás nekončí, protože v právní pomoci je základní předpoklad úspěšné integrace! Kdo má u nás nárok na azyl? O tom si můžete přečíst zde:

Drazí přátelé!
Na stole nám přistály další dvě kauzy před krajskými soudy! Děkuje, že nám pomáháte s pokrytím potřebné právní pomoci!
Vaše CRS

Sledujete tuto kauzu?
Řešit příchod velkého množství lidí hledající nový život jejich přesunem do úplně cizí země? Takto chtěla fungovat Velká Británie ve spolupráci s Rwandou. Prozatím je snaha zastavena rozhodnutím Evropského soudu pro lidská práva!

Výjezd - Athény -  se vydařil!

Modlitební neděle za ty, na které se zapomnělo! Připojte se k modlitebnímu řetízku!

Join our prayer-chain! For the safety of the people on the route!

Thank you all for your help! Thanks to you we started our year 2022 in Bosnia and Serbia. In Bosnia team helped with basic need, such as food, medical staff and for example wood!
Second team helped in Serbia with Christmas for kids in refugee camps Krnjača and Šíd, but also managed many visits!

Co je u nás nového?
Zahájili jsme listopadové modlitební neděle za situaci na hranicích Polska a Litvy s Běloruskem. Modlíme se nyní každou neděli, až do ukončení šíleného stavu bezpráví na hranici. Doufejme, že to nebude příliš dlouho!
Ve středu v rámci Červené středy budeme přednášet v Lidovém domě ve Frýdku-Místku. Od 18.00 si nás tam můžete poslechnout!

Our team in Bosnia will take care of people in there for next few days. Mostly covering basic needs! They are willing to spent some time with people!

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