Česká psychedelická společnost, z.s.

Education and Research Giving Information

Support activities of Czech Psychedelic Society

For more than seven years we have been working to raise awareness of the potential, risks and benefits of psychedelics. We open up a space for discussion for professionals and the public, organise lectures and conferences, write articles and run an expert counselling service. We have published books and many information materials. In addition, we are working to reduce the risks associated with the use of psychedelic substances outside a safe framework (the Psycare psychedelic first aid project). Our destigmatisation activities are based on real data and science-based research. We seek to set the record straight on misinformation, just as we seek to channel exaggerated enthusiasm and the dissemination of unsubstantiated data.

we started on 2021-08-31

Will you support activities to raise awareness about psychedelics?

Be part of a global movement (the psychedelic renaissance) that recognises scientific data and takes action to raise public awareness, reduce risks and destigmatise psychedelics. Any help is gratefully received.

supported by

160 people
Donate in :
secured by Darujme.cz
As a non-profit organization, we operate primarily through individual donors.
How will your contribution be used? 
  • Necessary expenses to keep the organization running 
  • Activities that we have been providing for years: 
    • Blog posts on blog.czeps.org
    • online consultation
    • communication (social networks)
    • creating educational materials (factsheets)
    • Operation of psychedelic first aid PsyCare at music festivals - psycare.cz
    • media coverage
    • organization of a university course at the 3ʳᵈ Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague
    • publishing educational books
  • Activities we plan to develop:
    • legislation work: legal, analytic and counseling work
    • network of professionals for psychedelic experience integration
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign


Vojtech Prikryl
CZK 3,333

Děkuji za vaši práci pro rozvoj našeho vědomí

Filip Morávek
CZK 10,000


Michal Zeman
CZK 555

Hodně štěstí

Ondrej Muroň
CZK 222

🤙🤙 za dekriminalizaci!

Jan Hanzl
CZK 1,111

at se dari :)

Michal Turek

Doufám, že se brzy dočkáme toho, že se budou psychedelika běžně a legálně používat k léčbě závislostí, traumat, seberozvoji... 🙂
Díky, že bojujete za změnu. Má to smysl! ✌️

Lucie Zelená
CZK 111

Drzim vam moc palce a necht jiz brzo prijde zmena ✌️

Petr Háva
CZK 1,111

Všichni sou dobří když se přestanou bát sami sebe , ať se daří přátelé

Václav Karfik

Ať se daří na cestě vstříc novému poznání!

Jiří Ševčík