Ponto z.s.

Environment Animals

Help PONTO Animal Sanctuary build new shelters for the animals!

PONTO Animal Sanctuary desperately needs your help! They will be building several necessary animal houses and shelters and they need you to make this a reality!

we started on 2021-08-04

We are in this together.

Your financial support means a lot and without it we would not be able to do this. Literally. Here you can choose how much money you want to donate or choose a custom amount of money according to your own personal preference. With this donation you are helping us create, protect, help others and take care of those, who have gone through something we often times cannot even imagine. Thank you for being here with us!
raised 33 % out of  €1,970

supported by

40 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
We are reaching out to you in urgent need of help! At this point, we really need to build some constructions for the animals. Firstly, we need to build a henhouse and a wattle for turkeys, as the old ones are basically slowly falling apart and about to crumble. Secondly we need to build a shelter for the sheep and goats on our beautiful meadow and also something to protect the straw from getting wet. Unfortunately the price of wood has doubled and we are currently unable to finance the construction. The price of these materials is about to increase in price very soon and so the local saw offered to bring us all the materials necessary for the near future, with the condition that we have 2 months to pay off the debt. As this construction is really necessary, we have decided to accept this deal, so that we could save money and start building immediately.  Please donate and share this with other people. Every euro counts!

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Ať se Vám i zvířátkům daří.

Hana Říhová
CZK 1,000

Ať se Vám daří

Michal Chmel
CZK 500

Přeji, ať se podaří postavit přístřešky a všem se vám v azylu Ponto dobře žije.

CZK 1,000

Ať tato kapka přispěje k vytvoření oceánu pomoci.

Petr Jaroš
CZK 100


Klára Gillernová
CZK 2,500