The state of emergency may not last long this time, however for the people without home it creates new obstacles already. The operation of day-centres for homeless people are limited. There probably will be no camps. The hostels for homeless people set during the spring cannot accept anyone new. And so those who are left outside will be getting dependent on the steetwork programs more than ever before. Help us provide the streetwork teams in Prague with fresh quality food. With a small donation you will support people in need and at the same time your favorite bistro/cafe that took the pledge to prepare the food! If you’ve ever considered helping people without home, now is the time!
Isn’t crisis the right time for solidarity with people in need around us?
In the previous emergency state this year, with your help, we supplied food to the inhabitants of emergency houses and shelters for homeless people so that they would not have to leave the facility and run the risk of COVID-19 infection.
We believe that the current measures regarding COVID-19 will end in November and the shelters and other help centers will manage get through it. However, no additional support or measures have been put in place for the people living rough – in the streets. Many of them have lost their finance or basic possibilities of obtaining food. Often, their only support lies on the shoulders of the streetworkers. Therefore, we want to strenghten the streetwork programs of the largest social service providers – the Salvation Army and Naděje – by offering them quality and nutritious food for the people who are left outside in the state of emergency and in the coming winter.
By contributing, you will also support small businesses – cafes and bistros that have decided to prepare food. These local businesses will thus win a certain short-term contract, which also helps them to overcome the period without sales and income.
Together with local businesses, we will supply nutritious food to the streetwork programs of the organizations Naděje and Salvation Army Prague. For 175 € we will be able to cover the capacity of both streetwork teams for one day.
Photo: Spring 2020, Locals for locals and the solidarity businesses supply food to shelters during the covid-19 emergency measures.
Businesses that, thanks to you, provide food for people without home:
Throughout the year, these local businesses offer free services to people in need. Now, despite their difficult situation, they have decided to help again. For the money raised in this call, they will prepare nutritious sandwiches and baguettes for people without home in Prague. You will support their work, you will support people in need. With one contribution. Thank you!
At the end of this call, we will send the remaining funds to the social enterprise Přestupní stanice, which will supply people in the streets with warm clothes before the coming winter. Because it is important not only to have a full belly, but also to stay warm!
The call is coordinated by the NGO Místní místním (Locals for locals; *2019), that aims to destereotype homelessness and support solidarity with people in need. We are creating a network of solidary cafes, restaurants and other businesses that provide free services to people without home and anyone in need. We also support artists and musicians with experience of homelessness.
Photo: Spring 2020, Local locals hand out food aid and hot food during the covid-19 emergency measures.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help
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There is more than a baguettes!
We decided to extend the collection not only to continue weekend baguettes delivery, but also to help fund the Christmas sweets for street programs. Colleagues hold a traditional collection for social services with Pikniky a pečení pro lidi bez domova, but this year they don't dare to send sweets from the public directly to the streets. We would therefore like to order it from cafes connected to our network, where we can guarantee compliance with hygiene standards and a reasonable price. You don't have to support the collection only financially. You can also get involved by baking your own sweets to shelters, hostels and homes for the elderly. The cafes in our network also function as collection points. You don't just have to bring sweets, we also collect gifts. Used functional mobile phones and chargers, thermo mugs and thermoses, headlamps and flashlights, cosmetics, pocket knives, socks, gloves, hats (new textiles or in good shape), vitamins, teas, coffee, sweets… You can also wrap gifts, just mark them on the packaging so that we know what is for ladies (heart) and what is for men (christmas tree).
Collection points will be in operation from 7 to 11. 12 .: Bistro Střecha – Prague 3
We continue! The state of emergency doesn’t end, so we don’t stop either. Needs of Naděje are fulfilled by the City Hall, but the Salvation Army is still interested in supplying baguettes and sandwiches for their street program. And because it would be a waste of potential not to use the free capacities of the coffees and the enthusiasm of our great volunteers, we will deliver food ourselves on weekends when street programs don’t work.
We want to continue providing social services with baguettes and sandwiches for people in need. So we are extending the call (so far) until 8 November. Thank you for helping us! 600 baguettes and sandwiches have already hit the streets!
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Dekuji za vasi pracu
Ivan Ďatko
Thank you for the great initiative!! Thank you for your kindness and compassion!
Jste skveli!
Karolina Gosciniak
Držím palce!:)
Šárka Kašparová
CZK 1,000
Drzim palce, velky respekt za to, co delate!
Pavla Bartosikova
CZK 300
Pedro Campos
Držím palce:-)
CZK 3,000
Moc držím palce :-) Přeji hodně sil a zdraví :-)
Marie Horáková
CZK 2,000
Super iniciativa! Děkujeme! Všem venku i vevnitř držim palce, ať to zvládnem
Dekuji za vasi pracu
Thank you for the great initiative!! Thank you for your kindness and compassion!
Jste skveli!
Držím palce!:)
Drzim palce, velky respekt za to, co delate!
Držím palce:-)
Moc držím palce :-) Přeji hodně sil a zdraví :-)
Super iniciativa! Děkujeme! Všem venku i vevnitř držim palce, ať to zvládnem
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