We took in this little boy in critical condition. He is emaciated and covered in flea-bites. He has ear mites, his nose is completely white and there is an open wound on his stomach. 😭 Barnabas loves to be cuddled and we can tell that he desperately wants to live. His condition, however, is serious. Barnabas is fighting hard but he cannot do it alone. Will you help him pay for medical bills? 🙏
We took in this little boy in critical condition. 😭 He is emaciated and covered in flea-bites. He has ear mites, his nose is completely white and there is an open wound on his stomach. 😢Barnabas loves to be cuddled and we can tell that he desperately wants to live. 🙏 His condition, however, is serious. We really hope he is going to pull through but it is difficult to make an accurate prognosis at the moment. 😔🙏 Barnaby came to our rescue via an animal control service. It looks like he has been roaming the streets in this state for several days. Several days during which his only companions were severe pain, fleas and despair. 😢
Barnabas is safe now and he is doing his best to survive. However, he cannot do it alone. Please join us and help him cover the cost of his treatment.🙏 His life is hanging by a thread but we are doing everything in our power to help him. 🙏
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Barnabášek nás opustil. 💔 Bojovali jsme do poslední chvíle, ale nestačilo to. Kocourkův stav byl vážný, a když se konečně dostal do bezpečí, bylo už moc pozdě. 😢
Moc nás mrzí, že to takhle dopadlo. Znali jsme tě, Barnabášku, sice jen chvíli, ale tvůj odchod nám i přesto láme srdce. 😔 Doufali jsme, že to celé skončí úplně jinak. 😔
Moc děkujeme všem, kdo jste tu pro Barnabáška byli a drželi mu palce. 🙏 Díky vaší pomoci mohl Barnabášek alespoň ke konci svého života poznat, že na světě existují dobří lidé, kterým na zvířátcích, jako je on, záleží.
We got news from the vet. Unfortunately, they're far from what we wish for. 😔 Barnaby's condition worsened. His body is fighting with a very strong infection and even though the tomcat is trying hard (he even ate a can by himself), it isn't looking good. 😢 The vet continues to do everything he can, but we're fearing the worst. 😔
Barnaby's condition breaks our hearts. We feel helpless and the idea of him not making it now, when he's finally safe and at the vet, hurts us very much. 😔 We're still hoping in a miracle, but we're not sure we will see it. 😔🙏
A huge thank you for all the messages and comments full of support, for all the sharing and donations to help little Barnabas. 🙏 Thank you for believing in him. 🙏
As soon as we know anything new, we will let you know again.
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Ať se kocourkovi daří - budu na něj myslet...
Martina Vostradovská
CZK 200
Drzim palce
Paal K.
CZK 100
Ať je v bezpečí a klidu
Romana Channa Juránková
CZK 500
Přeji kocourkovi ať se z toho dostane.
Eva Škurková
CZK 100
Držím palce a myslím na tebe Barnabášku. Maš tam posláno.
Ať se kocourkovi daří - budu na něj myslet...
Drzim palce
Ať je v bezpečí a klidu
Přeji kocourkovi ať se z toho dostane.
Držím palce a myslím na tebe Barnabášku. Maš tam posláno.