Mezinárodní vězeňské společenství

Giving Information Socially Disadvantaged Groups

The Prisoner's Journey

An eight-week course of restorative justice on the basis of the gospel of Mark. The course shows to the prisoners an alternative lifestyle and decreases relapse which is otherwise very high (7 of 10 prisoners tend to be back in prison). Each sent crown will be doubled by F-nadace!

Restoratively against relapse

raised 6 % out of  €3,985

supported by

3 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Project The Prisoner's Journey helps to break the vicious circle of criminal acitivities. It is the beginning of a restorative justice process which offers a possibility to change the way the prisoners see themselves, others and God. It brings healing and forgiveness through teaching people to accept responsibility for ther actions.

Since the beginning of the project in 2014, it has brought many positive things. We see:
  • lower aggressiveness in prisons among course attendees
  • leading to responsibility for their actions which leads to better decision-making
  • satisfaction of spiritual needs and looking for ways to deal with dissatisfaction
  • offer of alternative ideology which puts forth life, not death
  • creating of a path to resocialization
  • ability to take first steps towards successful reintegration in society
  • lower relapse rate
Help prisoners find true meaning of life. Thank you!

Each sent crown will be doubled by F-nadace!
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