HAE Junior is a non-profit patient organisation seeking to improve the quality of life of children and youth with hereditary angioedema. Will you support us?
In December 2024, our patient organization is celebrating its 5th anniversary. Since December 2020, we have been working together to help Czech patient families with children/youth with the rare immune disorder hereditary angioedema (HAE). Therefore, during November and December 2024, we are running a birthday campaign to remember our achievements and to share the wishes and messages sent by our juniors, as well as medical professionals and partners.
We would like to donate the raised funds to run these HAE Junior projects: - Participation of Czech patient families in the HAE Junior’s educational camp and/or the European patient meeting, organized by HAE International once every two years. These meetings enable the exchange of experience, access to the latest news on HAE and make new friends within the patient community both in the Czech Republic and in Europe. - The "Inclusive Scholarships" project will support schoolchildren and students up to 26 years of age with a HAE diagnosis, through free participation in educational, sports or art classes (covering the necessary equipment as well), camps or outdoor school according to their preferences. The project aims to reduce the negative impact of the rare disease HAE at health, psychological, social and economic level and to help HAE juniors realize their potential despite the disease.
Many tHAEnks for your support!
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I think that HAE JUNIOR, patient organization is doing perfect job with their activities, sharing stories and trying to improve the quality of life of children with Hereditary angioedema HAE 💙 Keep going 👌
Roman Kadlec
Ať se daří :)
CZK 500
Přejeme všem dětským pacientům s HAE hodně sil a vytrvalosti. Jsou to pro nás HAEroes❤️.
Monika Mackovíková
CZK 500
Překrásné obrázky! Velký dík všem malířkám a malířům! Mnoho zdaru virtuální výstavě i dalším plánům, které zvýší povědomí o HAE :-)!
I think that HAE JUNIOR, patient organization is doing perfect job with their activities, sharing stories and trying to improve the quality of life of children with Hereditary angioedema HAE 💙 Keep going 👌
Ať se daří :)
Přejeme všem dětským pacientům s HAE hodně sil a vytrvalosti. Jsou to pro nás HAEroes❤️.
Překrásné obrázky! Velký dík všem malířkám a malířům! Mnoho zdaru virtuální výstavě i dalším plánům, které zvýší povědomí o HAE :-)!
Eva Svobodová Machajová
Mockrát děkujeme:)