Elderly Socially Disadvantaged Groups


They fought for our freedom. Now they need our help! The Memory of Nations Help Hub aids especially those whose witness accounts were recorded by our documentarists for the project, but also their relatives and friends who care for them in their everyday needs or in difficult life situations. Many of these elderly people gave their lives on the front lines of World War II or suffered in concentration or communist camps. During hard times, they chose to deploy for others, fighting for freedom. Within our professional and civic counselling, we currently help through an established telephone line, not only to the witnesses, but also to the wider public, to navigate difficult life situations and provide support in solving them.

we started on 2020-03-17
We are very grateful for your support!
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The Memory of Nations appeals to the public: we must not let old people suffer isolated and abandoned in their homes. Memory of Nations documentarians have been visiting witnesses and recording their stories for almost 20 years. Many seniors put their lives on the line during World War II, suffered in concentration camps or Communist prisons because they decided to stand up for others in difficult times, fighting for freedom. It is now time for us to help them.

The Help Hub is aimed at all witnesses whose life story was recorded by documentarians in the past 20 years. The Memory of Nations Help Hub is now actively contacting witnesses who have shared their stories with us, but we also ask witnesses to contact us directly with any request – by phone at 601 601 156, or by email at
Your contribution will mainly be used to cover the operational expenses of the Memory of Nations Help Hub or possibly to aid seniors in difficult financial situations.

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Držte se, a velké díky za Vaši činnost! Měli jste dobrý nápad.

Tomáš Lukeš

Děkuji za Vaši práci a starost o ty, co to nejvíce potřebují. Spolu s lidmi zachraňujete i jejich příběhy.

Magda Konecna
CZK 500

Všem pamětníkům, skutečným hrdinům Paměti národa, opravdovým vlastencům naší rodné země posíláme srdečné pozdravy, rodina Šílova z Prahy a Orlických hor

Veronika Šílová
CZK 300


Marta Vichrova

Vážím si lidí co něco vykonali pro moji vlast .

Karel Krenk
CZK 1,000

A prece spolu 💙💙

CZK 500

Ve vašem životě jste už zvládli mnohem horší věci, jste silní, zvládnete to i teď!

Petr Navrátil


Štěpán Špinka

Děkuji za vaší energii, ať se daří a pamětníci se mají dobře !

Jan Berger
CZK 1,000

Děkuji za pomoc, kterou poskytujete lidem, kteří si ji zaslouží.

Oldřich Smola
CZK 500