Rotary Club Prague International

Education and Research Health

Supporting Research of Lyme Disease Treatment

Lyme disease has become an epidemic in recent years. In its chronic stage, the disease has a number of symptoms, doctors usually do not identify their cause and refer patients to antidepressants. Some treat chronic lyme disease with antibiotics, which is often not effective against persistent bacteria and damages the intestinal microbiome and immune system. In 2016, researches discovered that disulfiram (DSF), which is known from the treatment of alcoholism, destroys lyme bacteria. This is a great hope for patients. Further research is needed to develop a tablet that will be effective in treating lyme disease and will not have unwanted side effects.

we started on 2019-12-07

supported by

18 people
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Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks and has become an epidemic in recent years. Often its early symptoms are overlooked (no characteristic stain is formed). Then the disease goes on to next stages until it becomes chronic. At its chronic stage, the disease has a variety of symptoms ranging from joint pain to headaches and dizziness. Patients usually visit specialist doctors who do not identify the specific cause of their problems. The final verdict is usually psychosomatic, and a chronically ill person gets antidepressants.
There are doctors who treat chronic stage of lyme disease by long-term administration of antibiotics. However, this is not ideal. Antibiotics are ineffective on persistent forms of bacteria and are harmful to the intestinal microbiome and immune system.
In 2016, researchers at Stanford University found that disulfiram (DSF) effectively kill persistent forms of borrelia in both test tubes and experimental mice. DSF has been used for over 70 years in the treatment of alcoholism, the commercial name of the drug is Antabus. Some American doctors have started to prescribe it to their patients with chronic borreliosis with good results. Many patients started to take Antabus without a prescription.
However, further research is necessary to develop a tablet that will be most effective in treating borreliosis and will not have side effects. Pharmaceutical companies do not fund research because DSF is already on the market and cannot be patented. The BioNeoMed Foundation was founded by doctors, patients and scientists involved in the research. BioNeoMed is registered as a non-profit organization in the US under section 501(c)(3). More information is available at We believe that the cure for chronic borreliosis will soon be developed and that the suffering of many millions of people will end. If you feel it is important, please contribute here. Rotary Club Prague |nternational will transfer all your contributions in full to BioNeoMed.

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Rotary Club Prague International is Prague's Rotary Club with more than 50 members and is the only Prague club with English as the official club language. This brings together the local and international community. The club annually organizes a number of charity events and donates about CZK 1 million for charitable purposes. The most important event of the club is the Dragon boat race on the Vltava river in May. More a about the club
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