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Humanitarian Aid Human Rights

Public canteen for war and famine suffering in Yemen/Sanaa

Yemen is faceing the worst humanitarian crisis form 1945 in the world. It is suffering from war, epidemies and famine. It sustains from lack of food, water, petrol, remedies, hope... There are friends of ours in the middle of this catastrophy. Our project of public canteen helps at least some of them to stand a chance. The aim of the project is to collect money on Transparent Account to buy local food in Sanaa and to feed people in extreme need.

we started on 2019-07-30

There is no reason to hold off your help. Do it right now, as much as you can.

One nice lunch in a restaurant for a single person or food for one person for a whole month? Let´s exchange at least one of our lunches every month for help to peole in extreme need.

supported by

494 people
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secured by Darujme.cz
Thanks to joint energy and activtity we´ve collected money for the start of the canteen and first months of operation of it. At the moment the kitchen, elementary food-stuff, water, gas, energies have been arranged and the canteen is going to be open during August. It should help primarily to women, kids, old and sick people, who have lost everything, who live in permanent fear, whose families or friends are gone. They do not have anything nor anybody to rely on.
However one meal per day is a kind of hope. And this is what we, together with you,  can give to them. I costs: 

  • CZK 16 per 1 person and a day
  • CZK 481 per 1 person and a month
  • CZK 2800 per family (6 people) and a month 
Please, help as much as you can. Your help if worths of hope, your help is worths of life.  Thank you!


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Eid Mubarak

Zuzana P
CZK 1,000

Fandím vám! Takových více a svět bude lepší.

René Pajurek
CZK 1,000

Děkuji :)

Petra Kubíková
CZK 200

Ať maličcí mohou prožít dětství alespoň na chvíli bez hladu.

Petra Mertová
CZK 200

moc držím palce vašemu projektu

Lucie Růžičková
CZK 3,000

Myslím na vás, Sabi, snad bude svět jednou lepší. Vy pro to děláte maximum. Lu

Lucie Srbková

Společně s manželem děkujeme všem lidem, kteří jsou v tomto projektu zapojeni a pomáhají ať přímo na místě nebo tady v ČR a máme radost, že můžeme alespoń takto přispět tam, kde je to opravdu potřeba.

Iva Havlickova
CZK 1,000

Studoval jsem v 80-tých letech na ČVUT se skvělým kamarádem, který se jmenoval Ahmed Kader a pocházel z Adenu. Bydleli jsme spolu 5 let na koleji. Po promoci 1985 odletěl do Saná, kde už zůstal a oženil se s Myriam. Měl i dceru Myriam.

Lothar Ficker
CZK 1,000

Hodně štěstí

Marcela Valášková
CZK 500

snad i tak málo pomůže

Milan Pelikán
CZK 200