Rotary Club Prague International

People with disabilities Health

Swimming for stroke patients

The Ictus foundation will organise rehab sessions for stroke patients this Fall in a hotel in Sezimovo Usti. The sessions will include swimming, exercising and speech lessons. Your contribution will help co-finance the sessions for patients who would otherwise not be able to afford it. WE REOPENED THIS PROJECT AFTER WE COLLECTED AND DONATED 84.000 CZK LAST SUMMER TO ICTUS.

we started on 2019-07-13
raised 15 % out of  €3,977

supported by

8 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
The ICTUS foundation (see will organise rehab sessions for stroke patients this Fall in a hotel in Sezimovo Usti. The sessions will include swimming, exercising and speech lessons ( A number of stroke patients are unable to meet the cost of the sessions in full. ICTUS seeks a contribution of CZK 5,000 per patient.  

Please help support people who are determined to return back to normal life after a stroke. Thank you. 
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Thank you Rotary Club Prague International board for matching this sum.

Marie Jehlickova
CZK 5,000