Socially Disadvantaged Groups

House for women

We have been helping guys successfully break free from drug and alcohol addiction for over 12 years. But we don’t want to stop there! We now want to start helping women as well. Whether due to addiction, homelessness or those caught within the sex industry, we want to provide a safe and welcoming home where they also can come and experience the healing, freedom and hope found through God’s love.

we started on 2018-07-06

House for women

We want to help women in difficult situations
raised 111 % out of  €5,943

supported by

56 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
To do this, we desperately need a new property. However, this involves money. Our hope is that we will be able to raise around £100,000 for this to happen, with a goal of raising £15,000 by next Summer to use as a down payment. 

And so, over the next 10 months, four individuals from Betel Czech Republic will be taking on the challenge of running; The 10k Vítkov Prague Army Run in July (Adam and Vitek), The 10k Birell Prague Grand Prix in September (Daniela and Kate), and the Prague Half Marathon in April next year (Daniela and Kate), all in order to help contribute towards raising a little of the money needed towards buying this new property. 

All donations made will be most gratefully received, with every crown or pound meaning a greater store of inspiration to dig into when times get tough on the long slog towards the finish lines! Thank you so much for visiting our page and for all of the ways so many of you are already supporting and partnering with us through the work of Betel. 😊

Vítek and Adam:

 “Betel has helped us to overcome addiction. Now we want to run to support women who are caught in similar situations, so that they may be able to find the same freedom that we have found.”

Daniela and Kate:

 “Though we have never been through many of these battles ourselves, our hearts break to see the huge need that exists, not just amongst the men but women as well. We would love to see a community of women being set free and knowing the same hope and joy that we have seen so many of the men come to know. We will be running to help make this vision become a reality”. 

More about the work of Betel CZ can be found at: http://komunitabetel.cz/


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Well done on all your efforts! So inspirational to us all!


Best wishes to you all and to the success of the project

John Forster

Good Luck to you all for the Prague Half Marathon tomorrow!

Howard Lush

We love you girls!Keep fighting the good fight!!!God is with you and will give you strength xxx

Ceri Gaywood

Hope and pray you secure the property you need.

Charlie Anosike

Každý rok na Vánoce si každý člen naší rodiny hledá charitativní projekt, kterému přispěje, kluci se ale minulé Vánoce pro nic nerozhodli......asi to tak mělo být.....díky tomu jsou penízky teď vaše. Přejeme hodně energie, ať se vše podaří.

Iveta H.
CZK 4,000

Good luck with the run Kathryn. I’m in awe of what you do and what your awesomely fantastic dad does too. God bless.

John Viggers

I hope you quickly reach your target and I get to see it one day.

Jayne Johnson

Good luck with the marathon. Hope you raise lots of money. Love you all. Sue and Paul xx

Sue Dunning

Love from Valerie

Claire Bishop