Očima zvířat, z. s.

Giving Information Animals

White Minus campaign

Support our advertising campaign about the dairy industry!

we started on 2018-02-19

Outdoor advertisement

Support our advertising campaign about the dairy industry!

supported by

135 people
Donate in :
secured by Darujme.cz
Animal products are advertised everywhere. It will take some time before we'll match this bulk, but you have to start somehow :-) The government actually supports dairy promotion through a "White Plus" project. We react to that with the "White Minus" campaign.

With your support we will be able to get a poster about the reality of animal industry on a well-placed ad place, ideally so called citylight. We are picking places on tram stops in city centres or on railway stations, where people have time to read some actual information.

These are the most effecive advertising spots, so they logically belong among the most expensive. We'll need to raise almost 9 thousand CZK (about €300) each month for a single citylight. The more money we can raise, the more places we can order.

We created a separate transparent bank account only for this purpose that you can check any time here: https://www.fio.cz/ib2/transparent?a=2101386044.

Thank you so much for helping us raise awareness about the animal industry!





This has no place in the 3rd millenium:
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Prosím, více takových kampaní! <3 Btw neuvažujete o Brně?

Jiří Kozlovský
CZK 300

Nakopejte mléčnýmu průmyslu prdel!

Martina Pašingerová
CZK 300

Děkuji vam za vaši činnost a držím vam palce ve všem co dělate včetně soukromých životů. A pokud mohu...přispívám. Nechť bůh ochraňuje zvířátka. AMEN

Renata Hronova
CZK 500

Nápad se mi líbí, tak posílám a snad nás bude víc :)

CZK 300

Kampaň podporuji a velmi držím palce!
Mléčný průmysl je hrozný a musíme proti té krutosti bojovat všemi možnostmi!
