Join us in helping young people accept themselves and face their coming out!
Accepting your orientation or identity is not easy. In addition, the reactions of those around contribute to the perception of oneself. Some people find the support they need in family and friends. But other times, there is misunderstanding and rejection from those closest to them. In addition, on social media and in public spaces, we constantly witness hate speech against LGBT+ people. Such an atmosphere can easily undermine the self-esteem and mental well-being of young queer people. That's why it is essential to have a service such as
The online counseling service offers a safe space where clients can talk to someone with experience with coming out and self-acceptance. Mentors help young people find courage during difficult times and offer support to them, their families, and friends. We wish that no one has to live in tension, lie and hide who they are. On the contrary, together, we find lost self-confidence and life certainty. Joins us!
How will your donation help?
- 150 CZK per month is the cost per client of the counseling service, so by paying this amount regularly, one person can benefit from its services,
- 300 CZK per month will secure a place for one teenager in a therapeutic support group,
- 450 CZK per month, i.e., 5,400 CZK per year, provides basic one-day training for all mentors,
- 600 CZK per month is the cost of one mentor, which includes ongoing training and supervision by a professional sponsor,
- 1000 CZK per month is the cost of promoting the counseling service to potential clients.
Thanks to your support, can continue to grow. In addition to the online counseling service, we run support and self-help groups dedicated to coming out and a support group for parents of LGBT+ children.
We know that it's very important for queer teens to find a safe space where they can really be themselves and meet other people of the same age. That's why every year in Prague and Brno we organize FILIP20, a gathering of queer youth aged 13 to 21.
Interested in more information, a donation receipt, or a donation agreement? Please email Lucie at
Interested in more information, a donation receipt, or a donation agreement? Please email Lucie at
Figured that if I can find the money to buy the Hogwarts game, I should also be able to give that amount to a better cause. Thank you for making the online world a less scary place for all, especially when hags like Joanne are left free to roam it. :)
Moc rádi jako Terminal Karlin darujeme peníze na dobrou věc.
Děkuji za to, co děláte.
Když jsem tuto poradnu kontaktoval, byl jsem bezradný. Konverzace mi hrozně moc pomohla a teď se cítím mnohem líp a vím, a vím co dál dělat. Díky! Hrozně moc si pomoci vážím a nikdy na to nezapomenu.
Aby se nikdo nemusel bát jít s barvou ven
Trvalo mi 9 let přiznat si, že jsem gay. Kdybych tehdy našel odvahu se vám svěřit, mohlo to trvat kratší dobu. Vážím si toho, co děláte pro lidi.