ARPOK, o.p.s.

Education and Research Giving Information

Development Evenings - debates about the world we live in

Development Evenings is a set of public debates with experts on humanitarian aid and development assistance. Wide public is provided with up-to-date information about current global issues. The debates help to cultivate dialogue about difficultt questions related to nowadays world. HELP US TO KEEP THIS TRADITIONAL EVENT ALIVE!

we started on 2017-08-10

supported by

37 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Up to now more then 110 guests brought their perspective on beauties and challenges of nowadays world. Among others our invitation accepted ERIK TABERY, editor-in-chief of Respekt magazine, TOMÁŠ LINDNER, ONDŘEJ KUNDRA, editors of Respekt magazine, PAVEL GRUBER, director of Médecins Sans Frontières in Czechia, PETRA PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Czech humanitarian worker and journalist, PAVEL NOVÁČEK, head of Department of Development and Environmental Studies at Palacký University in Olomouc, etc.

"I am glad I could be a guest of "Development Evening". Events like these help to cultivate dialogue about difficult global issuess."      Tomáš Lindner, editor of Respekt magazine                                                                            

Development Evening  "Opuštěná společnost" with Erik Tabery 15. 11. 2017
Foto: ARPOK´s archive

Between 2005 – 2018 more than 6500 people had chance to create their own opinion about humanitarian aid and develpment cooperation related topics.

Development Evenings are succesful just because of the audience. You are regurarly comming, listening and asking critical questions. Together we can keep this tradition ongoing!

In 2018 this tradition is in danger since we are not able to cover costs related to the debates.

Support Development Evenings financially and make it possible to see our world in context!

Thank you!

ARPOK – education which bring other view on the world.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Dobrý den,
vaše činnosti je dle mého názoru velmi důležitá, aby se lidé víc orientovali v tomhle velmi složitém světě, ve kterém je obtížné věřit médiím. Skvělý zdroj předání osobních zkušeností a informací od zajímavých lidí. Pokračujte v tom a přeji hodně návštěvníků, lidí, kteří chtějí vědět mnohem víc.

Margit Paszová