Alzheimer nadační fond

Education and Research Health

Help us to find a cure

We support experts who help those suffering with Alzheimer’s disease. Do not just hope in a miraculous cure, but help us find it! Support the research of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative or vascular diseases leading to dementia. Even a small donation can improve the care we provide to our patients. Thank you!

we started on 2017-04-11

Help us to find a cure

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We are currently unable to cure Alzheimer’s disease, but the sooner we diagnose its onset, the better results of following treatment can be expected. Present day treatment options deal with the symptoms of the disease. Such medication does not prolong the life expectancy, but can postpone the most severe stages of Alzheimer’s disease, improve memory of patients, quality of their life and their self-sufficiency.

Alzheimer Foundation Czech Republic therefore supports experts, who engage in research, diagnostics, treatment and patient care. Thanks to our scholarship programme, young scientists and doctors – neurologists, psychiatrists, geriatricians, psychologists, therapists and other experts – can take part in internships on renowned foreign institutions and learn new approaches in their field. Our condition is their return to Czech Republic and application of their experiences and knowledge in their research.

We also support research of Alzheimer’s disease in our country, local projects, we contribute to programs of visiting scientists. We also don’t forget professional caregivers, advancement in psychotherapy and other ways of improving the care of patients suffering with Alzheimer’s disease as well as other forms of dementia. Our foundation therefore helps the where it might not be visible at first sight, but it is important nonetheless. We believe that the most important factor are always the people and even the best equipment cannot work without top doctors and caregivers.

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Ještě jednou - děkuji.

Tomáš Lisý

Ať žije Serge.

CZK 1,500

Děkujeme za to, že pomáháte.

Tomáš Lisý
CZK 3,600

Alzheimer je svině. Je dobré podpořit výzkum léčby a péči o nemocné.
RIP Sir Terry

Jiří Vycpálek

Nikdo nevíme, kdy sami budeme vděčni za jakoukoli, byť sebemenší, pomoc a podporu.

Pavel Chlubna
CZK 2,000

Děkuju za to, co děláte.

Jakub Kotula
CZK 500