Unfortunately, not everyone has a happy childhood.
We cannot influence what children have experienced, but we want them to believe that they can be happy and successful in life.

With regular visits, a personal, friendly approach and individual support, we give children from children's homes the most valuable thing - time, attention and love. We prepare with children for school and help them to develop their independence and self-confidence.
Thank you for being with us. Together we can put a smile on more children's faces. :)
Držím pěsti v další práci :-)
Děláte skvělou věc!
Jsem ráda, že jste. Jsem ráda, že pomáháte.
Fandím vílám ❤️
Veselé Vánoce!
Dekuji za vse, co delate pro deti a tuto spolecnost. Krasny zbytek roku 2018 a epsi rok 2019. M&Rodina
Děkuji za to co děláte a přeji ať se daří.