Destiny Pet z.s. Phone: 607 604 654 Email:

Various animals come into our care and often in a very poor condition. And while other shelters may have already closed their doors, we give everyone a second chance. Because we believe that every life is unique and irreplaceable. In Destiny Pet, every animal gets all the necessary veterinary care and experiences loving home environment. Whether the animal needs an expensive operation or "just" basic treatment, we do everything in our power to help. We always try to find the perfect home for each animal so that the new family and the animal are happy together. We put higher demands on the new owners because the new home must be better than the temporary one. We also provide lifelong counseling service for our animals and their new owners can contact us at any time. Destiny Pet also runs the Kismet castration program.The goal of this program is to reduce the population of feral cats by spaying and neutering. Castration helps to protect both the health of feral cats and the environment, because feral cats are a threat to wildlife.

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