Safe way for your donations

Thank you! In 2022, helped 285 thousand donors to donate
a total amount of more than CZK 765 millions.

Whether you choose to donate from our websites or from your NGO´s websites, your donations always get to the organization and the project you have chosen. Good feeling in just a few clicks? Why not! Choose an organization you want to support, fill in your details and donate.

Why to donate with

  • Registered organizations only

    You can donate only to registered NGOs that comply with the Terms of Use and other transparency requirements. List of registered NGOs you can support is to be found in the menu above. If you want to know more about how works and what it is intended for, click here.

  • Transparent organizations only

    Pursuant to the privisions of the Terms of Use of, NGOs must issue annual reports and inform their donors on how their donations have been used. You thus always know what your money is used for.

  • Safe way for your donations

    In, we pay attention to high security of the entire system and particularly to security of your donations processing and your personal data protection.
    Learn more about technical security of the system here.
    Learn more about the Terms of Use here.


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