Místní místním, z.ú.

Development Aid Socially Disadvantaged Groups

Donate a mobile phone to people without homes

Mobile phones are often unavailable to people without homes, yet they are essential for finding work, getting medical care, and staying connected to authorities and social workers. Give us your support and help us provide mobile assistance to those in need! Through our appeal, we want to donate primarily older phones, refurbish them, clean them and re-gift them to people who desperately need them to integrate into society and get back on their feet. Give us your support and give people who are homeless and in need a mobile connection!

we started on 2024-02-22

Helping people without homes overcome the barriers of digital exclusion


supported by

3 people
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secured by Darujme.cz
Demand for mobile phones among the homeless has long been high. Since 2019, we have been organising phone collections for homeless people and people in need. We help people on the margins of our society overcome another form of exclusion: the digital one. In 2023, we have joined forces with REMOBIL: we organise collections of older phones together; we then give the working phones to people in need, and the non-functioning ones for ecological recycling.

Why donate to our appeal? Your donation will help us cover the cost of 
  • the collection of used phones, 
  • cleaning them and securely erasing their data, 
  • connecting with social services, administration & handing the phones over to people in need. 
  • We will add a charger, sim card to the phones and prepare a complete package that will help homeless people and those in need the most. 
So far we've done *all* this for free, now you can help us continue. 

Where do the phones go? 
  • We give the phones to reliable NGOs and specific people without homes & in need. Always in person and with a signed donation agreement. Below in the appeal you will find photos, quotes and stories of people who have been helped, in a concrete way, by this assistance since 2019.
The collaboration with the organization Místní místním (Locals for Locals) makes a lot of sense to us as some of the phones we collect in our project are still functional, but in terms of moral or technical obsolescence are hardly applicable nowadays. Typically it is a ten year old mobile phone that would end up in the recycling. However, for the group of clients that the organisation helps, such a mobile phone is sufficient, whether for contacting the authorities or their loved ones. In this way, we extend the life of the mobile phone while helping those in need. Jiří Šmejkal, Remobil Project Manager.

In total, we have already given*over 400 phones and over 100 sim cards to homeless people and people in need during our collections. With your help it can be much more!

Where do phones help? Stories of bridging the digital divide:

The client had his phone stolen and due to his health condition he has to be in regular contact with doctors - making appointments, etc. At the same time, the client was concerned that he would not be able to call the ambulance if necessary. The client is very grateful for the donation. (Naděje – streetworok programme to support people without homes)

Another phone was given to a client who lives in the city's Engineering Hostel. The client's mobile phone was also stolen, which she needs every day - the client has a part-time job (handing out the Metro newspaper) and after every shift when she hands out the newspaper she has to call her supervisor. She cannot do that now.  (Naděje – streetworok programme to support people without homes)

Client L. : It allows me to make a phone call to get my needs met. My mobile phone has easily manageable sms and mms and I can play the game. (Fokus – Dům u Libuše, support for people with mental illness, Prague)

Client P. : I found myself without a working phone, I am disabled and a working device is vital for me. (Fokus - Dům u Libuše, support for people with mental illness, Prague)

Mrs. H.: Age 45. She lost her job where she did not have a full-time contract. So she lost her regular income and her housing. She and her partner rented a room in a shared flat. At the moment she is living in a tent, but for the winter she would like to live in a warm, rented flat or at least a room. She gave her old phone to a pawnbroker so that she could have some money. "It's great that I'll have a phone again. I need to at least find a part-time job and save some money so we can at least go to a hostel." (ICM team, Salvation Army, supporting homeless and needy people)

Ms Anastasia: "After a bad experience with my employer, I got into the services of La Strada. I need to be in contact with my family in Ukraine where I left my parents and brother. So I am very happy for a phone with a camera and internet connection. When there are no outages on the Ukrainian side, we call each other two or three times a day and at least I know they are OK." (La Strada)

Smartphones in particular connect Middle Eastern refugees with their families, friends and loved ones after a long, usually circumstantially enforced separation. Refugees are often on the road for months, often actually walking some part of the journey. The first contact after such a long time is very emotional; relatives back home are relieved that their son, husband or daughter and children are alive and well. Our client can then easily arrange with the family, for example, to send money for the next trip if they have none, or to contact the relevant authority to apply for asylum or to call for help (vulnerable people such as the elderly, disabled, minors or pregnant women flee their homes for various reasons) - in addition to material assistance, our clients also receive important information (including security information) with addresses and telephone numbers. (Iniciativa Hlavák)

"We would like to say a big thank you to our partner organisation Místní místním (Locals for Locals) for donating the phones and SIM cards. It is a great help for our clients, because not always and not all of them can buy such necessary things from our resources and most of them do not have enough money of their own. Yet having the ability to make phone calls and move around in the online world is basically essential today. This is illustrated by the case of Mr Pavel, who for a long time could not find a proper job: "I spent a long time looking for a job through friends and various random people I met. That turned out badly. My social worker and I often searched on the internet and I knew there were a lot of interesting offers. But all I had was an old push-button phone. And if something didn't work out or I had to send an email, I had to constantly go to the computer in the counseling office. Now I can finally search for ads myself and write to the company straight away. Even in the dorm, I edit my resume on my phone and send it out. And when they email me back, I have it with me and can respond right away. It took me a while to get used to the more complicated phone, but I'm getting pretty good at it." (La Strada).

- handover of phones to the Salvation Army ICM team, 2024

– donated simcards are not easy to obtain – Kaktus donated 30 pieces to our 2023 collection. Most of the time, however, sim-cards need to be purchased.

- handing over the phones to the Iniciativa Hlavák, 2023.

Thanks to mobile phones, people without homes and people in need can take advantage of many opportunities to get back on their feet. With your help, we can help them overcome the barriers of digital exclusion. Thank you.

If you cannot contribute financially, there is also the option of sending your old and unwanted mobile phone to Remobil. For each mobile phone, the non-profit organisation Místní místním will receive CZK 10, which it will use for its operations. You can simply send your mobile phone through any of the delivery branches of Zásilkovna, for example, for more information visit remobil.cz.
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