STUD, z.s.

Human Rights Regional and Community Development

BRNO PRIDE WEEK or let’s give Brno the PRIDE that it deserves!

Brno might not be the largest city in Europe, but it is the second largest in the Czech Republic, and its cultural life should reflect that! Last year, we managed to successfully kick off the festival, and therefore this year, we can make the dreams of our supporters come true. We are preparing a Pride Parade! Join us in giving Brno the Pride that it deserves!

we started on 2024-03-29

Thanks to you, Brno is closer to the PRIDE parade!

raised 77 % out of  €7,954

supported by

157 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
That’s right! We’ve heard your voices resonating and longing for a proper Brno Pride Parade that would proudly represent you. We like to fulfill all of your heart’s desire. 

However, there is a big BUT.  Because of the parade, the budget for our festival has greatly inflated, and we will not manage without your help. 

Why is the Pride Parade important for the LGBTQ+ community?

It's not just a parade. It's about the pride in who we are. It's about feeling like we don't have to hide and that we have our place in society. It can be the first step towards accepting our sexual orientation and identity; a symbolic celebration of coming out. It's about joining the community, forming new friendships, creating mutual support, and knowing that we are never alone.
Why donate? 
Everything you contribute will help us elevate the parade one step further. By donating, you not only support the event itself, but also amplify the voice of the queer community everywhere, not only in Brno. With each donation, you lend a helping hand in the fight against discrimination. 

We have a plan to make the best parade ever! 

1. milestone 100.000 Kč – THE PARADE WILL HAPPEN
The execution of the parade and ensuring safety.
Thank you! Now the Brno Pride Parade will truly take place! Together, we will walk through Brno, support the LGBTQ+ community, and finish the parade by enjoying something delicious at the Pride Park. All with good spirits, colorfully and safely! 

2. + 3 milestone 200.000 Kč – WE’LL ENHANCE THE PARADE FOR YOU EVEN MORE
Providing musical accompaniment for the parade.
Awesome! Thanks to this amount, you can look forward to the streets of Brno beaming in rainbow colors to the rhythm of music. We will organize a creative workshop where you can create your own banner, and also provide excellent makeup artists to enhance your look. Plus, there will be a FREE refreshment in the form of water for all participants. 
Wow! We have just secured not only an amazing parade but a proper concert as well!

And what do we offer you in return? 

Firstly, we appreciate every donation, share, and support! 

  • Donation  8 euros: You will receive the warm feeling of helping :)
  • Donation over 20 euros: We will publish your name on

  • Donation over 60 euros: We will send you our PRIDE tote bag (limited quantity for the first 20 generous donors)*/ 2 pcs left
  • Donation over 80 euros: We will send you our PRIDE t-shirt (limited quantity for the first 29 generous donors)* /4 pcs left

*Don’t forget to fill in your personal details in the donation form, and we will get in touch with you, we will send by 1.5.
Our goal is to not only be seen, but also to connect, educate, create a safe space, mutually tolerate each other, and above all, to thoroughly enjoy it all! The Pride Parade is not only for the LGBTQ+ community; we welcome everyone that wants to educate themselves and support a good cause. 


Let’s create a new Brno tradition and show what love like Brno looks like!  

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

POZOR! Díky obřímu zájmu o naše TRIČKA je vracíme zpět :) takže ještě zbývá 9 krásných TRIČEK pro dárce nad 2.000 Kč.

Dobrou zprávou je, že jste se již chopili příležitosti a 20 triček bylo úspěšně rozebráno! 

Today, you helped us conquer the 1st milestone, and we thank you all so much! Let's now enhance our journey as the 2nd milestone of the collection begins

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Zdravím vás. Moc lidí v tom duhovém průvodu v Brně nebylo. V menším Štýrském Hradci bylo těch lidí stokrát víc. Tak vám přeju, ať je to v Brně rok od roku lepší. Já jsem vám přispěl jen 500 korun, protože jsem z Prahy a peníze už posílám Prague Pridu.

Josef Kolář
CZK 500

Moc díky za organizaci!

CZK 2,000

Těším se :)

CZK 560

Moc bych si přál zažít první pride a kdyby to bylo takhle blízko, bylo by to možné. Jako trans člověk, chci podpořit, užít si zábavu, oslavit maturitu a cítit se přijatý.

Děkuji že organizujete tento pride

Viktor Skalický

(viktor) Viki Skalický
CZK 100

Přeji Vám skvělý Pride jako Brno!

Jan Kotík
CZK 2,000

děkuji za organizaci!

Martin Káňa
CZK 1,000

Akce jako Brno :)

David Zeleny
CZK 1,500

Ať se sejdeme i příští rok 🏳️‍🌈❤️🏳️‍⚧️

CZK 1,500

Hodně štěstí a ať se nám ten průvod vydaří.

Patricie Emma Bajcsy
CZK 600

Díky ta tuto akci! Přijdu ❤️

Filip Příhoda
CZK 500