ExxonMobil Czech Republic s.r.o.: campaign for project DEJME DĚTEM ŠANCI o.p.s. - příspěvek na projekt PŘÁL(A) BYCH SI

Spring stay in the mountains

we started on 2023-11-13
raised 108 % out of  €1,970

supported by

72 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
In a nutshell, the children would love to go to the mountains since there are only small hills and no real mountains in the orphanage area and they would like to learn how to ski. They would also love to breathe in some fresh air and enjoy the winter nature. Most of all, they all would like to spend the spring break together and experience something new in each other’s company. 
The holiday season is upon us and so is the annual hunt for gifts. While presents bring joy and happiness, some of them also come with a deep meaning. And here’s your opportunity to give a meaningful gift this year. 
The Orphanage House Lipova and ExxonMobil are long-term partners. Employees of our company traditionally give Christmas presents to the children in the Orphanage so that their wishes can come true. And this year there is one special wish. 
The Orphanage House Lipova would like to surprise their children with a stay in the mountains. The stay is intended for 30+ children, age 4+, and should include accommodation, food and activities in Czech mountains. For this, the Orphanage needs financing – 90.000 CZK to be exact.
The trip will be organized during spring holidays so that kids can enjoy it to the fullest.
If we manage to collect more, all money will be given to Orphanage Lipova (by NGO Dejme Detem Sanci based on a signed contract) and used for other trips.
For this purpose, ExxonMobil Czech Republic will also contribute by nice amount the Orphanage House Lipova. 
If you want to join our company and also donate to the Orphanage, you can simply do so here. 
Your voluntary contribution will help to create an unforgettable memory for the children of the Orphanage House Lipova. On the top you can deduct your contribution from tax on annual basis. Confirmation for tax purposes will be sent on January.

The children form the Orphanage House Lipova wrote letters explaining why they would like to get this particular Christmas gift – a stay in the mountains. 
Je krásné udělat někomu radost… proč ne dítěti vyrůstajícímu v dětském domově? Projekt, který umožňuje jednorázový příspěvek na opodstatněné přání dítěte vyrůstajícího v dětském domově.
Opodstatněná přání dětí z dětských domovů.

Uzijte si hory :) Krasne Vanoce

Daniela Di Feliciantonio

Uzijte si hory :-)

Hana Zunova

Ať se vám v tento sváteční den splní všechna vaše přání!

Dinara Kaneeva

Ať se výlet vydaří :)

Štěpán Konečný
CZK 500

Krásné Vánoce!

Monika Kozohorska


Merry Christmas to you!
Wish you a very year a head :)
(ノ ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)ノ

Reem, Gin, Arzu, Pasa

Minchen KUO
CZK 800

Přeji vám všem Veselé Vánoce plné lásky, smíchu a nekonečné radosti. Ať vám tato sváteční sezóna připomíná světlejší dny, které jsou před námi, a laskavost, která nás všechny spojuje.

S nejteplejšími pozdravy a upřímnými přání,
Alessandro, Misa a Dante

Alessandro De Martino
CZK 1,000


CZK 300

Krasne Vanoce

Gabriela Skokanova

Deti, uzijte si dovolenou a at se Vam pobyt libi.

CZK 2,000