Levon Movsesyan: campaign for project Help for Ukraine with Memory of Nations

The Heart of Europe for Ukraine

we started on 2023-07-10
raised 30 % out of  €197,044

expires in

158 days

supported by

343 people
Donate in :
secured by Darujme.cz

The collection is intended for the purchase of evacuation off-road vehicles for paramedics. These vehicles will literally save lives.

Currently, there is an acute lack of these vehicles in Ukraine and thanks to your help, you too can be the one who contributed to saving a human life.
The cars that will be purchased from the fundraising will rescue injured soldiers and take them from the line of battle directly to field hospitals (Ukrainian M.A.S.H.). These are both Czech volunteers and Ukrainian defenders.  At the same time they will transport various medical supplies and everything necessary for the defence of the attacked Ukraine.
We Europeans are a very solidarity-oriented nations, and when the war in Ukraine broke out in full force, the vast majority expressed their solidarity, whether through material aid or their moral attitude. We are now at a stage where a large part of the public feels a kind of 'war fatigue', the suffering is annoying, the civilian casualties have been covered up by indifference. Ukrainian defenders are putting their lives on the line to protect their homes from Russian crimes. In doing so, they are also protecting our country and, by extension, the peace of Europe from the Russian fascist regime.

Reasons to support the collection

  • The money goes directly to the transparent account of the NGO  Post Bellum organization, Memory of the Nation - a famous Czech NGO and our partner. 
  • We follow the entire process from start to finish - from the purchase of the vehicle, to its transport to Ukraine, to its handover to specific soldiers, to feedback from the field.
  • We will often hand over the vehicles personally
  • We work with the military attaché on the Ukrainian side and Czech or Ukrainian contact persons to plan and control the whole process in detail.
  • We will purchase the off-road vehicles from the best current offers and transport them to Ukraine. Once handed over to specific, pre-arranged people, the car is modified with a simple structure that allows loading injured defenders and transporting them to the nearest field hospital for acute treatment.
  • You can follow individual donations and the development of the project on our networks or on this page where we post specific updates.

The first purchase of a rescue vehicle has already taken place

The thank-you video from Czech soldiers, which you can watch, shows the first car handover on Ukrainian territory.
There was also a short entry on the radio station Radiožurnál. The collection for the first vehicle, which was doubled by the Atrea Foundation, can be found here (only in Czech language).

Patron of the collection

The collection is under the patronage of the Atrea Foundation and NGO Post Bellum, and the money goes directly to the transparent account of Post Bellum, Memory of the Nation. You can automatically generate a donation receipt for tax purposes for any donation.

Corporate sponsors of the project

The Atrea Foundation is intensively supporting the invaded Ukraine, in addition to many projects in its own region. In cooperation with the Liberec Region and the Governor Martin Půta, we equipped a refugee centre in Liberec at the beginning of the aggression, sent hundreds of first aid kits for IFAK tactical medicine directly to the frontline, provided living spaces for mothers with children, and purchased the first all-terrain vehicle for paramedics through a collection at Atrea, which we also handed over to the defenders of the country in Ukraine. We call on Czech and international business to join in solidarity with the invaded state.

🚑 The Atrea Foundation, in collaboration with Post Bellum, has delivered another – already the third field rescue vehicle for transporting the wounded.

🩺 Immediately after being handed over in Kyiv, this vehicle went to the front lines to save soldiers in the areas of the heaviest fighting with the occupiers. We purchase rescue vehicles and personally deliver them to Ukraine, where they save dozens of lives.

🙏 Help us save Ukrainian defenders! Indifference to Ukraine's suffering supports Russian killing! Add your bit to our collection.

The first car imported in July 2023 is currently undergoing a major overhaul. After modifications, it is preparing to return to the field and continue providing essential assistance.

All the delivered cars are still running!

The first delivered car is still operational but now primarily serves for supply purposes, as its time in hazardous terrain has rendered it inadequate for combat situations and transporting the wounded.

All the provided vehicles have already saved more than 50 lives. Thank you!

Atrea has already delivered the third vehicle to Kyiv on February 11, 2024, from where it continued in the hands of soldiers to Avdiivka, reinforcing the Ukrainian defense forces.

The second provided vehicle, a Land Rover, is modified for rough terrain and was delivered to Ukraine on October 9, 2023, where it supports soldiers and volunteers on the frontline in the Donetsk region.

In July 2023, Atrea doubled public donations and ensured the delivery of a Nissan to Ukraine. Along with the car, they also brought a supply of equipment, medicines, and medical materials.

Due to the potential and interest of the public and private sector, we have decided to increase the target amount of the project from CZK 1.000.000,- to CZK 5.000.000,-.

More cars, more lives saved! 

Create campaign

Ukraine is bleeding. We don’t have to stand by and watch the lawlessness and aggression our friends are facing just because they’ve decided to share our values of freedom and democracy. For a year and a half now we’ve been buying protective and medical equipment and doing all we can to ensure it reaches Ukraine as fast as possible and gets to the places where it is needed most. Thousands of vests and helmets sent by our organisation are being used by defenders on the front lines, several tonnes of medical equipment is saving lives. We have also supplied fire trucks, ambulances, power generators, drones, and optical devices. It’s not over yet: Ukrainian heroes are fighting and still need material to stand firm in the defence of their country. Please, let us persevere as well. Our own experience with the wars and totalitarian regimes of the 20th century compels us to help.

Ukraine is bleeding. We don’t have to stand by and watch the lawlessness and aggression our friends are facing just because they’ve decided to share our values of freedom and democracy. For a year and a half now we’ve been buying protective and medical equipment and doing all we can to ensure it reaches Ukraine as fast as possible and gets to the places where it is needed most. Thousands of vests and helmets sent by our organisation are being used by defenders on the front lines, several tonnes of medical equipment is saving lives. We have also supplied fire trucks, ambulances, power generators, drones, and optical devices.

It’s not over yet: Ukrainian heroes are fighting and still need material to stand firm in the defence of their country. Please, let us persevere as well. Our own experience with the wars and totalitarian regimes of the 20th century compels us to help.

The important things do not change with the times. Whether it’s the stories from the times we ourselves faced war and totalitarianism or the ones happening right now just a few hundred kilometres away from us, they are connected by the longing for freedom, safety, and one’s home. Our own experience with war and totalitarianism in the 20th century makes us obligated to help others.

The month of February is undeniably etched into the memory of all people in Ukraine. Since none of us are indifferent to the fate of this country, we decided to organize a rally together with People in Need, Million Moments for Democracy and the European Congress of Ukrainians to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the war. We want to say to Ukrainians: 'We are with you. This is also our struggle and a struggle for our future." Join us on Saturday, February 24, 2024 from 4 to 5 pm at Old Town Square, where, among others, President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel and other interesting guests will speak.

In 2019, the non-profit organisation Post Bellum set up an office in Lviv with the goal of filming the witness accounts for the Paměť národa archive. Our colleagues in Ukraine recorded dozens of stories mostly from survivors of Stalinist repressions, dissidents, and political prisoners. After the outbreak of the war, they asked for our help. We could not decline. Thanks to your support, we have supplied the defenders of Ukraine with thousands of bulletproof vests and helmets, tonnes of medical equipment and optical devices as well as fully equipped ambulances and fire trucks. Dozens of human lives have verifiably been saved thanks to this. All the aid provided has been non-lethal in nature.

All materials needed have been consulted with experts from the Army of the Czech Republic. The recipients of our aid are predominantly frontline fighters, members of special forces units. The assistance is implemented through the Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic. Representatives of the Czech Embassy in Kyiv then oversee the correct use and distribution of the material to those in need.

You can also contribute to the charitable fund with a direct payment to the donations account: 123-6318620207/0100 (for donations from abroad: IBAN: CZ 7601000001236318620207, BIC / SWIFT code: KOMBCZPPXXX). Contact: dary@pametnaroda.cz

Thank you for your support!

na evakuační auta

Eva Quaiserová
CZK 3,000

CZK 1,500

Blow up Moskva, bij bolszewika!

Vojtěch Uxa
CZK 500

Ať dobře slouží.

David Gichsel
CZK 500

Davajte si pozor a hlavne to prezite.

Miroslav Vizvary
CZK 1,000

Ať se podaří zachránit co nejvice životů...

Jiří Hudec
CZK 15,000

Za barbara

Pavel Matejka
CZK 1,000

Ať zachrání o nejvíc životů.

Matej Orsag
CZK 1,000

Díky za vaši práci!

Vladimír Moravec
CZK 2,000

Ať slouží

Vladimír David
CZK 1,000
All donations support organization:
POST BELLUM, projekt: Help for Ukraine with Memory of Nations