Y&T Luxury Property Prague Czech Republic s.r.o.: campaign for project Let's donate a better life

Let's contribute to a better life for Honzíček!

we started on 2022-10-24
raised 70 % out of  €6,694

supported by

30 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Let's join forces 💪🏻 Let's contribute to Honzik's coughing assistant, let's contribute to a better life! Honzik has been suffering from cerebral palsy since birth. His muscles are weakening and so breathing and coughing is very difficult for him. What would help him? A coughing assistant, but the health insurance won't pay for it.
"Help Honzik to cough better!" - attending physician MUDr. Adam Cipra
The Our Lungs Foundation, founded by Y&T Luxury Property, an all-female real estate firm that pays all of the operating expenses of the Our Lungs Foundation, supports the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases, including lung cancer and the effects of COVID-19. Together, they are launching a fundraiser for a new Cough Assistant EO-70 for Honzíček, who has cerebral palsy. And you can get involved too. Contribute to a better life for Honzíček! 
We're in this together! Real estate agency Y&T Luxury Property has pledged 100 00 CZK to support the fundraiser!
"...a condition that leads to prolonged congestion, frequent sickness, chronic colonization by certain germs and, as a consequence, shortens their lives."- doctor MUDr. Adam Cipra 

Get to know Honzíček

Honzíček was born in 2016 with severe cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a disease affecting the motor centres in the brain. Because of this, Honzíček is essentially immobile and lives his life in a wheelchair. He is fully dependent on the help of others in the home where he is now. In Honzíček's case, cerebral palsy has also affected his lungs and his ability to cough normally. In order to keep Honzik from coughing, he needs a coughing assistant.
"Every crown that donors contribute will help us so much, and it will make life so much easier for Jeníček," says Honzíček's mother.

What is a cough assistant?

A cough assistant is a non-invasive medical device that helps patients cough. It stimulates coughing by rapid changes in pressure. Patients usually use the device on a daily basis also because by ridding the lungs of mucus, the lungs are also cleansed of bacteria and viruses. Coughing thus becomes an indispensable and very important part of life. 
"...když se nenadechnete, tak nemůžete udělat vůbec nic."- pečující sestřička Kateřina Šindelářová. 

But unfortunately, Honzíček is not the only one who suffers from cerebral palsy...

The device we will buy will be used by other children with a similar diagnosis in the home, for example Honzík's roommate Martínek. Martínek will be able to breathe better too!

Why the amount of CZK 168,308? 

A cough assistant is far from the only thing Honzicek needs.
A special device, the Cough assistant EO-70, can be bought for CZK 127,415.
A mobile stand for the device will cost another CZK 18,513.
All other accessories, masks, filters and tubes are additional equipment needed for the cough assistant, for two years ahead the equipment for two boys is another 14 400 CZK.
Last but not least, Honzik and Martinek need anti-substance mattresses tailored to their beds, we will buy this for the boys for 7 980 CZK. 

About us

Women who are engaged in business in their everyday life and now they have decided to support the Czech health care system. Our Lungs, founded during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, is dedicated to supporting the treatment of respiratory diseases in adults and children.
"We have supported various charity projects before as a donor," says Elena Jakubovic, founder of the real estate agency, "In the past years we went one step further and decided to help Czech professionals and hospitals. This time, however, we are helping a specific patient on the road to a better life."
And why the combination of real estate business and care for healthy lungs? Elena Jakubovič and her team believe that a well-chosen house or apartment is the place where you can breathe easy. And this feeling should be experienced by everyone.

Thank you for helping us!

Read about MUDr. Adam Cipra in LP-Life.cz magazine!  👈

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Let's give to Honzíček a coughing assistant, let's give him a better life! Honzíček has been suffering from cerebral palsy since birth. His muscles are weakening and breathing is difficult for him. What would help him? Just a cough assistant, but the health insurance won't pay for it.
Huge thank you to all donors! :) 
Honzíček got the Cough Assist! 
Today, on the first day of December, we gave Honzíček Cough Assist! Today, Honzíček tested positive for COVID-19, so we didn't hesitate, didn't wait for anything and ran to give it to Honzíček! ♥️

About us

Founded by Y&T Luxury Property, an all-female real estate firm, that covers all operating costs of the Our Lungs Foundation, the Our Lungs Foundation supports the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of lung disease, including lung cancer and the effects of COVID-19. Our mission is for everyone to enjoy life to the fullest! Let's donate to Honzíček.  
"Help Honzík to cough better!" - doctor MUDr. Adam Cipra 
Honzíček has been suffering from cerebral palsy since birth. His muscles are flaccid, so breathing is difficult for him. What would help him? Just a cough assistant, but the health insurance won't pay for it. Let's donate the Cough Assistant EO-70 to help him cough properly.

Get to know Honzíček

Honzik was born in 2016 with severe cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a disease affecting the motor centers in the brain. Because of this, Honzík is essentially immobile and lives his life in a wheelchair. He is fully dependent on the help of others in the home where he is now. In Honzik's case, cerebral palsy has also affected his lungs and his ability to cough normally.
"Every crown that donors contribute will help us so much, and it will make life so much easier for Jeníček,"says Honzíček's mother.
Honzíček has not been living at home with his mother, father and siblings since his birth, his health unfortunately does not allow it. But surely neither he nor his family wish anything else. Now Honzíček is in a home in Háj u Duchcova, where he is cared for by kind nurses. 
According to Honzík's attending physician, with whom we spoke, these children suffer from the fact that they are unable to cough properly, have a weakened vital lung capacity, impaired processes that allow them to clear their lower airways... 
"...a condition that leads to prolonged congestion, frequent sickness, chronic colonization by certain germs and, as a consequence, shortens their lives."- doctor MUDr. Adam Cipra 

Why the amount of CZK 168,308? 

A cough assistant is far from the only thing Honzicek needs.
A special device, the Cough assistant EO-70, can be bought for CZK 127,415.
A mobile stand for the device will cost another CZK 18,513.
All other accessories, masks, filters and tubes are additional equipment needed for the cough assistant, for two years ahead the equipment for two boys is another 14 400 CZK.
Last but not least, Honzik and Martinek need anti-substance mattresses tailored to their beds, we will buy this for the boys for 7 980 CZK. 

We're in this together! 

The real estate agency Y&T Luxury Property is a long-term partner of the collection. These days has pledged 100,000 CZK to support Honzíček and Martínek.  Let's support their efforts, we're in this together! 

What's a cough assistant?

A cough assistant is a non-invasive medical device that helps patients cough. It stimulates coughing by rapid changes in pressure. Patients usually use the device on a daily basis also because by ridding the lungs of mucus, the lungs are also cleansed of bacteria and viruses. Coughing assistant becomes an indispensable and very important part of life. Unfortunately the health insurance won't pay for it, because of the neurological diagnose.
"....and some aids that would do us good and do a great deal of work, that cost tens of thousands or lower hundreds of thousands, we ... can rely on foundation donations only..." - doctor MUDr. Adam Cipra
We believe in a better life for Honzik! Let's give him the Cough Assistant EO-70 together!
"...if you don't take a breath, you can't do anything." - says nurse Kateřina Šindelářová

But unfortunately, Honzíček is not the only one who suffers from cerebral palsy...

The device we will buy will be used by other children with a similar diagnosis in the home, for example Honzík's roommate Martínek. Martínek will be able to breathe better too!
Honzíček and his family, his aunts and the Our Lungs Foundation thank you very much for your donation! 
Every crown counts! 


-   We breathe about 22,000 times every day. 
-   People exhale up to 17.5 milliliters of water per hour. 
-   70% of waste is eliminated through our lungs by mere respiration. 
-   Children and women breathe faster than men, their respiratory rate is higher. 
-   The left lung is smaller than the right lung to accommodate our heart. 
-   Lungs can hold 1 liter of air and are the only organ capable of floating on water. 
-   The air we are breathing contains 21% oxygen, of which our bodies use only 5%. 
-   We can live without one lung.
-   According to an estimate, there are 300,000 undiagnosed asthmatics in the Czech Republic 
-   5,500 die of lung carcinoma in the Czech Republic every year 


CZK 100

Honzíčku, z celého srdce Ti přeji klidný dech

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Nadační fond Naše plíce, projekt: Let's donate a better life