Petra Walterova: campaign for project Let's Build a School in Africa

Mathias, Tobias & friends from M312 helping kids in Ethiopia to education

we started on 2022-08-25
raised 352 % out of  €199

supported by

16 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Mathias and Tobias, from M312 yellow and blue class, respectively, wish to celebrate their 5th birthday with their schoolmates. They are being lucky with such a great start to their educational life journey, and as they have received many presents from family for their 5th birthday already, they would like less lucky kids to have access to education. Therefore, they wish for the money that would be spent on presents for them to be donated to this fundraiser.
People in Need is a Czech not-for-profit organisation that has been set up by dissidents and students who led the Velvet Revolution in 1989. The organisation has a track record of transparency, honesty, accountability. Importantly, it has a unique tradition of being able to help in often inaccessible areas, mostly thanks to engaging and working with local populations. This organisation has our long-term trust also due to its relatively low operational costs (ie most of the funds raised are spent on the cause) and due to its focus on sustainability of projects delivered. Therefore, we have been donating to People in Need on a regular and long term basis.
We are positive that People in Need building schools in Ethiopia is not merely about bricks and mortar, or wood and blackboards, but really about having good local teachers, engaging local communities, empowering them to prioritise kids' education. The organisation also has a long-term presence in Ethiopia, including through participating in EU-funded projects.
We believe education matters universally and we are very happy that Mathias and Tobias see it the same way and are keen to contribute. We hope that this will be an acceptable alternative for you and your kids.
People in Need - Člověk v tísni
Half of the population of Ethiopia is illiterate. Education is crucial not only for the success of children but of the country as a whole. We build schools in Ethiopia, equip them with everything they need and train teachers in modern teaching methods. We have already built more than 20 schools in the country. Your donation will help build more schools and give local children a better future.
Člověk v tísni od roku 2005 pomáhá stavět školy v Africe. I díky podpoře dárců z Česka se nám zatím podařilo postavit 25 škol zejména v Etiopii a v Zambii. Další školy jsme pomohli rozšířit a lépe přizpůsobit potřebám dětí. Z darů také žáci dostali školní pomůcky a učební materiály. 

Sbírka Postavme školu v Africe se zaměřuje i na zpřístupňování vzdělávání těm, kteří na něj nedosáhli. Děti s postižením nebo mladé dívky se často do školy nedostaly, ať už kvůli chudobě nebo chybějící podpoře okolí.

Vzdělání je pro děti šancí vymanit se z chudoby a nadějí na lepší život. Jejich budoucnost může ovlivnit budoucnost celé země. Děkujeme, že nám podporou sbírky Postavme školu v Africe pomáháte zlepšovat dětské životy.

Dejte dětem v Africe šanci na lepší budoucnost!


Marek Lnenicka
CZK 1,000

Happy birthday! What a generous way to celebrate! Xoxo Viva


Happy birthday from Abel 🎂

Mathieu Loridan

Happy birthday Mathias and Tobias and happy to contribute to this great idea! Ren is excited as well...!

Brian (Ren) Walton
All donations support organization:
People in Need - Člověk v tísni, projekt: Let's Build a School in Africa