Nestlé Česko s.r.o.: campaign for project Collection for families in region affected by tornado

Nestlé Employees help South Moravia hit by Tornado

we started on 2021-06-25
raised 134 % out of  €5,943

supported by

201 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
On June 24, 2021, in the evening hours, a devastating tornado changed the lives of people in the belt from Hodonín to Břeclav. Let's help together and show that Nestlé Cares.
During Thursday evening and night, a tornado swept through South Moravia, leaving a trigger and destruction. The storm caused not only material damage, but left casualties and hundreds of injured.
The villages of Hrušky, Lužice, Moravská Nová Ves, Mikulčice and parts of Břeclav and Hodonín are the most affected. It is unprecedented natural disaster in our history and people in the affected areas have saved literally bare lives.

Nestlé opens this collection for its employees through the Diocesan Charity Brno and we ask for your donations. The value of the gift from Nestlé employees will be topped up by Nestlé.
Use your company e-mail address when entering your contact email address.
Thank you for your support, Nestlé
Diecézní charita Brno
The Hodonín Regional Charity and the Břeclav Regional Charity help directly in the villages affected by the tornado. At the moment, we are mapping needs and we are ensuring distribution of material. Our teams also provide psychological first aid. Donations to this collection will be used in the coming weeks for follow-up assistance to help people rebuild their homes and return to normal life. That is the most important thing. More information:

Přeji hodně sil a brzký návrat do běžného života!

Simona Králová

Preji vsem hodne sil k prekonani teto tragedie!

Aleš Braha

Pavol Kopernický

Myslíme na Vás a držte se! Pavla Krmelová

Pavla Krmelová
CZK 1,000

Morava společně, ať poslouží.

Miloslav Bodinek
CZK 2,000

Myslíme na Vás, jsme s Vámi. Držíme palce, ať vše zvládnete.

Martina Hrušková
CZK 2,000

myslíme na vás, buďte silní a bojujte

Roman Bosák
CZK 1,000

jsme s Vámi.

Dušan M.

Dar potřebný postižený tornaden.
Ať se podaří opravit bydlení.
Přeji ať se vše podaří.

Pavel Valný
CZK 1,000

Hluboce se mě dotklo neštěstí , které podkalo naše spoluobčany na Jižní Moravě. Moc jim přeji bzkého návratu do normálního života.

Pavel Elner
CZK 1,000