Ivan Chrástek: campaign for project Angel Camp 2021

Children behind bars

we started on 2021-05-22
raised 45 % out of  €3,956

supported by

38 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Children behind bars? Or invisible children? Children without media and social interest? Without a parent or both parents? The name does not matter, but the fact is that the Angel camp children are behind the bars of public interest.
In order to survive in this world, we humans need to have a resolved sense of acceptance, love and security. But what if your life doesn't have any of those supports? And that's what happens to these children. One parent is unable to play the role of parent because he is in prison, and the other parent is on the edge of his strength to manage the family and upbringing, and somehow there is no time for the delicate webs of relationships that determine the future of children's lives. The school and children's environment does not protect them from taking the rap for their parents beingin sing sing. And there is more. Too much, please help build the children of the Angel Camp at least the foundations of one of these pillars of a healthy human personality. These foundations will be a window into life for them and the hope in them that the experienced love, acceptance and security will continue to grow in their lives. Are you ready to donate? So let's get to it!
Mezinárodní vězeňské společenství
Instead of a summer spent in the housing estate area, in shelters or orphanages, kids of prisoners can attend summer camp!
"Summer holidays... oh well. Some classmates will go to the seaside, some to camps and some to visit their grandparents. My brother and I will be stuck in our apartment in our block of flats. Dad's in jail. Mum is working all the time so that we'd have where to live and enough to eat. At the beginning of September, when my teacher asks what we did during summer, I'll make something up. I don't want others to laugh at me again..."

At the Angel Camp, kids of imprisoned parents can be kids again. They can simply:
- do sports,
- have fun,
- and share their troubles in a safe environment where nobody judges them or laughs at them.

There are many kids in the Czech Republic who have the experience of an imprisoned parent. That's why there're going to be 2 camps this year!

Help us give these kids a week full of fun together with hope that they're not forgotten!

Hezký pobyt

Ferdinand Kubanik

děkujeme :-)

Mezinárodní vězeňské společenství


Ivan Chrástek
CZK 10,000

Whaw! Děkujeme za štědrou podporu, Ivane! :-)

Mezinárodní vězeňské společenství

DÍKY Mezinárodnímu vězeňskému společenství a ať se daří!

Kateřina Vitouchová

Děkujeme, že nám fandíte :-)

Mezinárodní vězeňské společenství

Zdravím a přispívám.

Ludmila Uherkova
CZK 300

Moc si vážíme Vaší podpory. Ať se daří!

Mezinárodní vězeňské společenství

Děkuji Lidko!

Ivan Chrástek

Mějte hezký čas a skvělé vzpomínky.




Renata Fulínová
CZK 500

Přeji vám nádherné léto, plné sluníčka a krásných přátelství :) em.+

Emília Šilhánová

Děkujeme za překrásné přání...

Mezinárodní vězeňské společenství

Ať se to podaří!

Petr Gazdík
CZK 1,000

Jsme vděční za Vaši podporu.

Mezinárodní vězeňské společenství

Petře, moc děkuji!!!

Ivan Chrástek

Hodne stesti!

CZK 5,000

Děkujeme za Vaši podporu - moc si jí vážíme!

Mezinárodní vězeňské společenství

Jsme s Vámi🤗

Marie Zelenková

Moc děkujeme za Vaši podporu! :-)

Mezinárodní vězeňské společenství
All donations support organization:
Mezinárodní vězeňské společenství, projekt: Angel Camp 2021