Sokolská župa Budečská

Help for Ukraine Sport and Leisure Time

All-Sokol Slet for Ukraine

The fundraiser aims to provide financial support for the participation of Ukrainian nationals in the All-Sokol Slet 2024 in Prague.

we started on 2023-10-27

supported by

101 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Fundraiser for our talented Ukrainian gymnasts and their participation in the 2024 XVII. All-Sokol Slet in Prague! 

With great enthusiasm, we invite you to participate in this fundraiser, which aims to provide financial support for nearly a hundred Sokol gymnasts from Ukraine. These gymnasts are divided into three groups from two units in Ukraine, namely Sokol Malyn and the newly formed Sokol Zhytomyr. 

Together, they are preparing for their participation in the All-Sokol Slet in Prague, where they have prepared three different slet compositions: Čarodějky, Leporelo a Babí léto.

Their preparation for this slet is demanding and long-term, and a documentary film by director Jakub Motejzík was created in collaboration with Czech Television to document their journey. 

We aim to assist these Ukrainian gymnasts with the expenses related to equipment and clothing for the Slet, accommodation, meals, and access to various events that are part of the All-Sokol Slet, representing the culmination of their gymnastic efforts. 

Additionally, we plan to combine the participation of these gymnasts in the slet with a camp organized by župa Budečská for the third time. The total amount we estimate we need to support this group of 100 participants, including both gymnasts and their team, for a duration of ten days, falls in the range of 16,000 to 20,000 euros. This is not an insignificant amount. 

Your financial support would significantly help us realize this unique event and ensure that our Ukrainian gymnasts can showcase their skills and enthusiasm at the XVII. All-Sokol Slet in Prague. 

Let's join forces and support our gymnasts! Every contribution is welcome and greatly appreciated. 

On December 7, 2023, the Council of the Central Bohemian Region approved the grant for this project in the amount of 100,000 CZK during its meeting.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Mr. Jan Lipavský, recognized the importance of this event and the need to support the young Ukrainian gymnasts, and provided his patronage for the project on April 25, 2024.

Thank you very much for your generosity and support!

The organizer of the fundraiser (Sokolská župa Budečská) ensures that all financial resources will be used according to the specified purpose.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Těšíme se na sletě!

Sokol Nový Jičín
CZK 1,400

Jedinec nic, celek vše!

Jiří Braný

Sláva Ukrajině!

Adéla Šípová
CZK 1,755

Milí přátelé, ze srdce posíláme hodně sil a velmi se těšíme, že si spolu zacvičíme na sletu! Přejeme Vám, ať prožijete radostný čas nejen v Praze, ale také na malebném Křivoklátsku.

T. J. Sokol Bzenec
CZK 5,000

Děkuji za krásné zážitků

Dagmar Toncarova
CZK 1,750

Sejdeme se v Praze na značkách!

Helena Rezková
CZK 8,500

Nazdar, držíme vám palce. Jste stateční. Uvidíme se na sletu. Jana

Jana Mrhačová


dobrotivý dárce
CZK 2,000

Sejdeme se v Praze v Edenu.

Ivana Černá

Záslužná akce, zvlášť když ústředí ČOS nechalo umřít Světový svaz sokolstva.
Tohle je cesta, jak jeho činnost alespoň trochu nahradit.

TJ Sokol Lhotka, Praha 4
CZK 3,000