Prague Pride z.s.

Culture, Art and History Human Rights

The Prague Pride Festival supports the visibility of LGBT + people in the Czech Republic

The 14th year of the festival will take place from August 5 to 11, 2024 The theme of this year's Prague Pride festival is FAMILY. We want to show that family is not just mom, dad and child/children. And also that queer families have always been here. Family is where the love is.

The Prague Pride Festival

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Let LGBT+ people experience a sense of unity! 

The Prague Pride Festival is not just a parade through the city, although it may seem so from the media. In fact, we are preparing a week-long festival with a variety of fun, educational and educational events. We believe that everyone will find something for themselves there!

Parties, concerts, queer art exhibitions, and debates are just a small sample of the rich program that the Prague Pride Festival offers every year.

The priority for the Prague Pride team is that everyone can be themselves and experience a real sense of belonging during the festival week. For this reason, the vast majority of events will be open for free.

Are you interested in more information, a donation receipt, or a donation contract? Contact Sabina at


Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Thank you for your hard work and dedication.

Martin Novak
CZK 500

úžasně zvládnuté a skvělá akce, díky! A nedělní piknik, parádní! Už se těším na příští rok...

Martin Ocelák
CZK 200

držím palce a ať se daří

stepan Freiberg
CZK 222

Drzte se!

Šárka Truxová
CZK 2,200

Díky za Vaši osvětu, je to evidentně stále potřeba!

Petr Škulty
CZK 200

Super akce! Zkuste na Jubilejní ročník domluvit moderní kapelu, zpěváka, zpěvačku, ať složí jako propagaci song o lásce bez rozdílů ☺️ Ta by mohla zahrát i ihned potom, co dojde celý průvod na Letnou 🙂

Jan Seifert
CZK 200


Michaela Suchá

Jasný, že to bude letos dobrá práce. Jako dycky ;)

Jana Bedaňová
CZK 3,000

už se těším na letošní festival, dík za organizování! :)

Jan Procházka
CZK 777

Druhá půlka daru ;) :) #IlovePraguePride! <3

Jiří Korytář
CZK 5,000