People in Need - Člověk v tísni

Human Rights Development Aid

Main donation account

People in Need has been helping people all over the world for 30 years. We build schools, sources of water supply and health centres in Asia and Africa. We help the victims of wars and natural disasters and stand up for human rights. We organise One World, the biggest human rights documentary film festival in the world. And we provide social services and help improve education in the Czech Republic. Your donation will enable us to keep helping the people who need it the most.

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Thank you for considering a donation to People in Need. We have 30 years of experience with providing humanitarian and development aid all over the world. Your donation will be used efficiently and at minimal operational costs. We are providing our help directly in the field to bring a real aid to those in need and change lives to the better. Support People in Need's work abroad and in the Czech republic and become one of our many donors.

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Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Please sir I need your help sir trough my credit union account number or my bank account number

Gibril Njie

Veselé Vánoce

Milan Špičák

It can be used for any individual or community in Praha, Czechia, Slovakia or abroad.

Aleksandar Vekic
CZK 125


Josef Pitel
CZK 1,000

This money was raised by students and teachers at Gymnázium Evolution Jižní Město in Prague via the Swap and Valentine's Stand events! We hope it helps people around the world, especially those struggling with climate-based challenges.

GEVO Jižní Město
CZK 8,009

Díky moc, že pomáháte ❤️. Už tak dlouho. Na tak mnoha místech. Lidem různého původu, ras i vyznání. Přeji Člověku v tísni a všem "jeho" lidem do nového roku vše dobré!

Irena Jelínková
CZK 5,000

Veselé Vánoce

CZK 2,000

1 World, 1 Community, let's help each other :)


Vaše činnost je neocenitelná, moc si Vás vážím a přeji vše dobré.

Martina Lachová
CZK 1,000

Tento příspěvek pro společnost Člověk v tísni je zároveň dárkem k narozeninám pro vážené přátele, kteří za pár dní oslaví dohromady 140. narozeniny. Vše nej nej, Deboro a Honzo, a Člověku v tísni přeji mnoho štědrých dárců 👍

Marie Kloudová
CZK 5,000