Seniors belong to Wikipedia
We know this because more than 700 seniors have already taken our free courses. The most enthusiastic of them have written hundreds of articles about history, architecture, nature or anything else that interests them. Some call Wikipedia their "addiction". But one that makes them feel a sense of belonging, a sense of being useful, a hobby, and the joy of the legacy they leave behind.
Let's make it happen together
Do you agree that the life experience and knowledge of seniors should not go to waste? That we must look for ways to connect seniors with the younger generation and prevent their isolation? Join us and help us teach every Czech senior citizen who wants to write Wikipedia to do so. Simply because it makes sense.
Stojí za to, podpořit Wikipedii. Nebo doplnit či opravit článek/heslo. Nebo nahrát fotky.
Vážíme si Vaší podpory! Děkujeme.
Když můžu, pomůžu. :-)
Moc děkujeme! Vážíme si toho.