Dark Bark Drama z.ú.

Other Culture, Art and History

Crowdfunding for an original and experimental play - Something Human

One night, one location, one transformative encounter – Something Human is a contemporary drama/sci-fi story about two strangers meeting, taking a chance, and revealing who they truly are underneath their masks. But as the night progresses, a crucial question arises: is it possible to be loved, if one truly shows who they are?

we started on 2024-08-31

supported by

7 people
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secured by Darujme.cz
Video intro by the team:

The story of Something Human has been taking shape over the past few years and was originally written as a film script. Currently, the intention is to explore the possibilities of adapting the material for stage; being open for the text to transform, allowing actors to bring their input, and exploring physicality and musicality distinct for theatre work.

The intention is to evoke a sense of intimacy, not only between the actors but also for the audience members – we aim to perform site-specifically in a flat, limiting each performance to a small number of viewers. Despite this, we hope to have a long season of regular performances, thus giving the chance for larger numbers to come and see the work eventually. We will inform about the premiere on: https://www.darkbarkdrama.com/
Why support our work? I believe the best way to answer this is to be transparent and sincere with my hopes as an author and director and leave it up to everybody's consideration. Something Human is my way of exploring the notion of human beings having their ”shadow” side – the things we don’t want to reveal about ourselves and what might be considered ”taboo”. Here, I’d like to offer a quote (that I find inspiring) by Sheldon B. Kopp, an accomplished writer and psychotherapist: ”You can’t force anyone to love you – you just gotta take your chances and reveal who you truly are”. This sums up the theme of the story - more or less…
I’m aspiring forward with this project because I believe it may be worthwhile to share a collaborative work that ideally would loosen up – even if just a bit - predominant, conditioned convictions of how one should be, as opposed to (in my view, healthier) how one is. My aim is not to give concrete answers – I don’t believe I have the authority to do that – but I do believe I’m allowed to raise questions and possibly broaden the horizon a little bit. 
Ideally, this core theme will also present itself practically in the rehearsal process. We will use the script as our foundation, yet I will also do my best to create an environment in which our cast can safely challenge, deviate, and present something new – having the inner compass of authenticity act as a guide, which I believe we all have.
We have a cast of three actors + possibly one musician. Donations will be solely used to pay for the rehearsal time of the creative team (director, assistant director, actors, musician), to which we are all committing with no guarantee of pay, only with genuine enthusiasm and interest to do theatre. At this stage, we are not supported by grants or sponsors yet. Eventually, box-office earnings will be distributed to the team, but my hope is to provide pay for rehearsals as well, as this is really the bulk of the work. 
Lastly, I would like to thank the wonderful crew of Dark Bark Drama for their support, collaboration and trust in this project. I feel lucky to have encountered this theatre company here in Prague, with their openness and genuine interest in new, original work, and approach of valuing ’the process’, not just the result. I believe that their vision has not only been inspiring to me, but also to countless other - local and international – creative and aspiring individuals our there. Our collaboration has felt like a fresh breeze. 
For more info about their work and upcoming events, please visit: https://www.darkbarkdrama.com/
Thank you for your kind consideration. We hope to see you soon.
 Much love,


For a donation of 1000,- we are glad to offer a free ticket for the show. For a donation of 1500,- we can provide two tickets. If you will be interested in obtaining your ticket(s), please drop us a message with your personal information on: project.something.human@gmail.com

Thank you!

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